•School's Out For Summer•

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The last day.... Andy took in a deep breath while she gripped harder onto Alec's hand. This last day would mark a new beginning for her and Alec, she couldn't imagine another week here.

A group of girls approached them with their hands on top of their barely showing hips.

"Andy." A red haired girl said looking towards her. "Alec." She turned her sharp gaze to Alec who just gripped harder onto Andy's hand.

Andy knew this girl, she looked recognizable. Andy looked at all her features to still not be able to tell who the girl was.

"I hope this end of the year has taught you something." The girl with the red hair said. "You better be out of this town by next year, we don't need our eyes being scarred of this relationship between you two."

Alec stood utterly still as he gazed upon all the girls who thought they were better than them.

"So says the girl who was dating her cousin." He said dryly.

The girls around her gasped and started to amble away with their eyes widening.

"He wasn't my cousin." She spoke through her teeth. "Ellis and I had nothing in-between us."

Alec shrugged. "Then why did he move schools? Why did he erase any record of being here at this school?"

Kris balled up both her fists. "Fine you asshole he was my cousin, after we saw how people acted towards you two we decided we weren't safe...... And broke up."

Alec grinned to himself. "You gave up that easily? I'd never move even if I was Ellis, if I truly loved someone then I wouldn't let the world tell me what I should do with my life."

Kris sighed and glanced around herself to see her friends had left her stranded..... Just like them.

"I'd rather be found loving that person then be found broken and alone." He told her. "Maybe you got taught something this year, don't follow others words."

Andy's eyes widened. "I know who you are!"

Kris have her a slow nod. "Ok-"

"You guys used to be the couple who blocked up the halls! Everyone idolized you two! You're Kris!" She shouted. "I can't believe you had shared a dark secret together."

Kris shrugged. "Everyone has a secret, even the girl who thinks she's on top of the world."

"Well reality hit you like a brick wall." Alec smirked. "Now why would you bully us for something that you did, you could of stood by our side with Ellis but, you chose to hide away in the shadows....- Like a sewer rat."

Kris rubbed her feet on the polished tile floor. "I know we fucked up but, I couldn't stand the bullying and he knew it. Ellis knew I was too weak to be able to walk into school with him and face letters and notes, water attacks and glares."

Alec scrunched up his eyebrows. "What do you mean Water attacks? We haven't had to deal with that.... Everything else is a given."

Kris's eyes widened. "You don't know...."

Andy hung her head to the ground and looked at the tile which was an egg shell white.

"No I don't know, that why I'm asking." Alec huffed.

Kris looked towards Andy then back to Alec. "A group of kids in ELA thought it would be a good idea to pour 'holy water' over top Andy's head. They also threw a wooden cross necklace at her."

Alec looked down at Andy and scowled at her. "Why in the world wouldn't you tell me about this!?"

Andy slowly gazed up at Alec who gripped her hand tight within his fist.

"I didn't want you to know that......- Things are hard for me in my first hour." Andy mumbled. "I didn't get hurt, just some wet clothes."

"You lied to me Andy!" He shouted.

In the distance the first hour bell rang which had Kris slowly creeping away from us.

"I know." She sighed. "I had to Alec, I don't want you to worry about me."

Alec turned away from her and trudged towards the office with her being dragged behind his wake.

He slammed the office door open to see the secretary behind her desk on her computer.

"I would like a class change." He spat at the woman.

She rolled her eyes. "It's the last day, can't you deal with one more hour of it?" She huffed and looked away from her computer. "It won't kill you."

Alec slammed his fist on the counter which made the woman pull completely away from her typing.

"Look, you two have caused enough ruckus within this school now I reckon no one would like to see you two in a class together." She explained with a sigh.

"Andy is getting harassed within that class and I'm not about to allow that to happen!" He hollered at the secretary.

She huffed. "Fine you can change the class for this last day however it'll be on your record."

Alec shrugged. "Whatever it takes."

Andy sighed and looked to the blue carpet at their feet. She wore black converse that seemed to look wore down with the white lasses turning a brownish color.

She didn't want Alec to do this. That's exactly why she hid it from his knowledge which seemed to grow everyday about the gossip of these people. Like how in the world did he know about Kris and Ellis? Social media? Internet? Stalking them? Where is it that no one else could find it?

Before The Pills (PREQUEL, In The Field Series) Where stories live. Discover now