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Alec and Andy smiled to themselves while they still ambled down the path of the park. With Alec's guard down he wasn't aspecting Andy to be ripped from his arms.

She flew into another person's chest who had a black bag blocking his identification. Alec tried to reach for her but other guys and girls in black head-bags trudged out from underneath the shadows.

"Today was the last day." The man holding Andy said dryly.

Andy tried to wiggle herself out from the guy's arms however the guy just tightened his grasp on her.

"The community has been tormented enough with your relationship. Everyone frowns upon such a monstrosity." He spoke sternly at Alec.

The other Black- bagged people circled Alec with nothing in their hands but, the man holding Andy pulled a knife to her throat.

"I don't know about you Alec but, I'm a very religious man and I believe no shared skin until marriage." He said hoarsely. "And I believe this girl you got has shared her virginity with you....- Her step-brother of all people."

Alec stared fearfully at the knife to her throat.

"She's a virgin." Alec told him. "Just put the knife down."

Andy held in a scream as the man tightened his grasp around her.

"Well she's shared the lips of her brother, a sin named Incest." He said. "I'll never allow you two teens to ruin the reputation of this town."

Alec's eyes widened. "We will leave, I promise you'll never know we were here."

"Oh we'll always remember the brother and sister who had tormented us with their sin." He spat. "You'll never be forgotten."

Andy eyed the knife with fear filling her stature.

"Leave tonight and I don't care where you go just not here." He told Alec. "And if you don't, I'll finish up the deed of making y'all leave either to heaven or hell."

He released Andy who stumbled over to Alec with tears burning her fearful eyes.

Every man ambled down the trail without glancing back at the teens they had threatened.

"We need to leave." He told her. "And I don't care if we move into a fucking apartment, we can't stay here any longer. Maybe we'll move somewhere where we can always go to the beach but, for now we are getting out of this damn town."

Andy nodded as she stuffed her face into his chest. "I'd like that."

Before The Pills (PREQUEL, In The Field Series) Where stories live. Discover now