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Alec and Andy ambled down the park path with both their backpacks on their backs. No one was on the trail as they followed the weaves of the trail bends.

She reached over and grasped his hand with a smile plastered on her face. "You always have a way to cheer me up."

Alec smirked. "I wouldn't say always."

Andy shrugged. "Thanks for allowing us to leave the school, I couldn't take another minute of those smelly bodies nor those congested hallways."

He nodded. "Anyways what are we going to do about those grades of yours?" He raised his eyebrows in questioned and leaned down towards her face.

Andy chuckled. "I never said We have to fix them..- I'll fix them somehow."

Alec denied her and gripped onto her hand tighter. "Everything is more fun when you do it together."

Andy giggled. "You sound like a you're in elementary school."

She swung their hands back and forth with a smile. "I couldn't do anything without you, Alec. And truly I am being honest."

He looked down at her and they both stopped walking in the mid of the stone trail.

"Nor could I." He told her. "You make my days easier and you're the only one who will ever understand me."

"Is that why you barely show anyone your smile?" Andy wondered with questioning eyes.

"I save my smile for the ones I care about." He grinned. "And so far you're the only one I care about."

Andy's heart began to race and she looked away from him with tears welling up in her eyes. "I've never heard anyone say that."

He pulled her into a hug and pulled her chin up to his. "And I'll never stop caring for you, one day I'll be able to support for us and we won't need anyone else."

Tears slipped down her face while a smile cracked her lips. "Alec-."

He leaned down and allowed that feeling within his chest to be stratified. Alec moved his lips against her moist soft lips.

Andy allowed him to kiss her because her body didn't say no, it was saying yes to the only man who had ever taken her feelings into consideration.

She reached up and gripped onto his hair which was dry because of the gel that held his hair into a creamy brown wave.

Alec smiled against her lips and took both his arms and lifted her up onto his hips.

She let out a giggle and moved her arms to around his neck.

"How long have you been holding that in?" Andy wondered.

He gazed into her eyes with lust flashing in them. "For a long time."

Before The Pills (PREQUEL, In The Field Series) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن