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Alec strolled into ELA with Andy trailing behind him. Everyone stared at the couple while they made their way to the back of the class where Andy always sat.

He pulled another empty desk over to where she sat by the window. Alec glared at every student that dared to look back at them. Even the teacher ignored their tardiness.

The teacher instructed the class to turn to page 79 in their literature books. Andy took her water damaged book and turned through the winkled pages to page 79 where a short story was. Alec ignored the class and sat on his phone as if he was just a guard dog for Andy.

The words on the pages had sagged down making it impossible to be able to read any information from the text. She pitched her legs together with frustration, Andy glanced between the other smirking students to Alec who scrolled through some goggled information.

Andy has held in her fight for too long, she has allowed Alec to be the mean one and stand up for them. Now she must speak up for this, it wasn't her fault but the kids who had poured that water over her head.

She decided to raise her hand which made everyone turn their heads in surprise.

"Yes, what is it?" The teacher wondered.

"I need a new book, some students decided that it was ok to pour some water onto it yesterday. I can't see any of the words of the short story." She told the teacher.

"That's your problem, Andy. Other students aren't responsible for your textbook, I would suggest trying to decide how to tell your parents that you need to buy a new 80 dollar textbook." The teacher said while pushing up his reading glasses.

Andy's eyes widened as the teacher went back to teaching and the students chuckled here and there.

She glanced back down at the book in front of her. Alec closed the book and gathered the book up within his arms. He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and stood up.

The teacher scowled back at Alec and his peers just grinned to themselves.

"Alec take your seat." The teacher ordered.

"Who was it?" Alec asked sternly.

Andy gazed up at Alec who held the limp book in his arms.

"Which one of you poured that water over top Andy's head?" He snapped while ignoring the teacher's orders.

People didn't rat him out, they kept their mouths closed.

Andy spoke up. "The boy with the dirty blond hair.... -He's the one who poured it over top my head."

Alec glanced around the room to find the boy in the middle, he glared at Alec.

"Yeah so what?" He shrugged. "I did it and I don't regret it."

Alec didn't speak as he trudged over to the boy and ripped his nice book off of his desk and shoved my wrinkly one in it's place.

The blond boy just sat there. "So I can pay 80 dollars, I bet anyone can pay it except you two."

Alec turned away from the blond rich boy and placed the nice fresh book on top of Andy's desk.

"There we won't have to pay 80 dollars, glad I switched classes? I just saved our electrical bill."

Before The Pills (PREQUEL, In The Field Series) Where stories live. Discover now