Chapter 16

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Urushihara stood on a rock, "This time I will win Satan." "Haha. Nice try, Lucifer." Sadao grinned. "We all know who's stronger." "Yeah me." Urushihara hissed as he glared at Sadao. Both were across from each other but on different rocks. Sadao rolled his eyes, "Look. We all know Alciel will take my side if he comes around." "How do you know?!?" Urushihara yelled with anger. "He's my faithful servant." Sadao answered calmly. He found how the older one acted funny and immature. 'No wonder they never made him King Satan.' Sadao thought before a snicker flew from his lips. "What are you over there laughing about?!" Urushihara was more filled with rage than before, he had a feeling that Sadao was laughing at him. Him. That made this all the more important to be Satan. "I will win today, Sadao." Urushihara's wings came out as beautiful as ever. "Pfft. In your dreams-"

Urushihara's eyes fluttered open. "So that was
My dream.." He whispered to himself as he looked around. A little bit of light came in through a window in the apartment and it happened to be shining on him. "I think that means I would have won.." He grinned happily before the sun got into his eyes. "Oh god- no. Please! Go away light!" He yelled as he crawled to his laptop. Everything was going back to normal for him except for the light that kept following him. "Geez! What did I ever do to you light?!" He hissed as he tried to block the sunlight with his laptop. Emi walked in (she had left when everyone else left after she talked to Suzuno), "Where's Satan and Alciel?" She questioned Urushihara. "I don't know. They were gone when I woke up." He tiredly answered but noticed the sun light had gone away. "Was that you? That sunlight?" He asked suddenly. "No.." She answered, "you're crazy." She walked out leaving Urushihara alone to think about the dream.

Anything can happen ~ Alciel X Lucifer Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora