Chapter 21

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"Well we did kiss." Sadao simply replied before walking to the bathroom. 'They did.. Is it because Sadao's better than me?! And I just said I'd kill him.. I know I can't..' Urushihara's thoughts raced as he thought of everything. 'I'll get better at everything then!' He decided in his head before falling asleep, waiting to see the journey that lies ahead.
~~~~ The next morning!~~~~~
Urushihara had woken up on the ground. He was no longer on Ashiya who seemed to be gone with Sadao. "Perfect." Urushihara spoke to himself, "Now I can go practice things." He walked out of the house for once and walked to the pool. 'Sadao can swim really good so I'm going to learn to swim very good!' Swimming was the first thing Urushihara had thought of ever sense that time he almost drowned but was saved my Ashiya. He looked at the water and took a deep breath. His heart raced as he began to ignore the tragic events that happened the last time. "Phewww." He let out a breath as he literally jumped into the water. It was so early in the morning there were not a lot of people in the pool and the live guards were half asleep but you know, who cares? Urushihara looked around before going into the deeper side of the water, convinced he could do it but of course he was just being stupid. He started to go under the water but he thought it was something normal so he showed no sign of real struggle till he realize he couldn't get back up. He kicked his feet and tried to get his arms above water, only his finger tips could be seen and that was just barely. Ashiya wasn't here to save him this time nor was Sadao, no one even seemed to notice as Urushihara's vision turned black. The water burned his lungs very badly and he felt the pain. Fear filled the boy's body as he wondered if this was how he was going to end. Slowly, his eyes closed and he drowned to death. He never got to feel the warm embrace of Ashiya again or even getting teased by the rest of the crew. In the end, no one found the body till later that evening when Ashiya and Sadao saw Urushihara's note that he was going to the pool. Both Sadao and Ashiya feel a large sense of regret that they will never be able to change.
I hope you liked the end of this book! I don't know if it's really sad but I got the idea right before I was going to bed so I decided to upload the final chapter for you guys quickly.It's a little rushed but I don't really care. I hope you enjoyed this 21 chapter book! I'll try to focus on my other books more now but ya never know!~~ <3
Bye guys, sorry if this made you feel bad or sad or anything xD

Anything can happen ~ Alciel X Lucifer Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora