Chapter 2

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"Uggghhhhh!" Michelle grunts as she, Megan, and Bridget enter the house, coming home from school. Lacy and Liam had the day off, so I'm playing tea party with them on the living room floor. We all look up to see the threesome looking exhausted. They stalk into the house, dragging their feet. Plopping down and the couch, they throw their backpacks at their feet.

"What's up?" I ask with a little laugh.

Lacy studies them with big eyes, running a hand through the little, brown tuft of hair that's beginning to grow back on her head.

"It's just one of those weeks," Michelle replies, slouching in her seat on the couch and dragging her hands over her eyes. Then she sits up a little straighter and looks at Megan. "Was Sydney at school today at all?"

"No why?"

Plopping herself back against the couch Michelle says, with a little laugh, "Guess her fever didn't cooperate with her plans. She promised she'd be back today but noooo...."

I've stopped listening. It's funny, in a terrible way, how a couple of words can trigger memories to come flooding back...

"I promise, baby. Have I ever broken a promise to you?"

I look up into the deep green eyes of my father, my arms wrapped around his waist. I rest my head on him, sinking into his camouflage army uniform.

"No, Daddy, you haven't."

He smiles down at me sadly before turning to my mother and sister, Elena to find her cheeks tear stained.

"Elena, Princess, don't cry!"

Too late. The river of tears already resuming to flow down her cheeks, she walks up to embrace him as Mom looks on, fighting her own tears.

"Come home, Daddy," Elena whispers.

"What'd I tell your sister?" he replies gently, pulling me in for to
join the hug. "I promise I'll come home. And I don't break promises."

And he didn't ever break promises...

Not on purpose, anyway.

"Hey!" Megan snaps and whistles trying to get my attention, I realize. I blink and fight the tears threatening to spill over. Thankfully, Megan doesn't notice I'm upset and laughs saying, "You were off in Lala land girl!"

Trying my best to appear genuinely light-hearted, I muster up a smile. Megan buys it and so does Michelle.

But Bridget...

She's giving me a suspicious glance, full of concern.

Gosh, darn it Bridget why are you so good at reading my emotions?

I can tell she's wanted to hear my story since... Well, since we've met, really.

That was actually her motivation to even come up and talk to me, I remember, smiling to myself.

I try to avoid eye contact with Bridget and am saved by Lacy tugging gently on my braided hair to get my attention.

"More tea please," she requests.

I smile. "Why certainly Lady Lacy."

I pick up the little toy teapot and pretend to pour the liquid into Lacy's cup. Meanwhile Liam pushes, "Me too! Me too! More for Sir Liam!"

With a chuckle I assure him that he'll get his fair share.

I steal a glance at Bridget to find she's moved on from her concern for me- at least for the time being. I try to do the same and push the memory away.

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