Chapter 4

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I sit down in the forest. This is where she first asked. "Gen? What would you think about becoming part of the family?"

I smile sadly at the memory. I had felt so touched, yet scared. Almost certain I wouldn't end up accepting, I simply told her I'd pray on it. I didn't think I  live with myself if I accepted. I couldn't start over. Elena... Mom... Dad...

But something just felt right about it when I spent that first couple of hours playing wii games with the Tolias. The kind of family love I'd been missing out on for four long years.

I pick up a rock and hurl it into the distance. Why is this so complicated? Just tell Aunt Cassie to go home, forget anything happened, and everything will go back to normal.

Why do I even try to lie to myself?

I sigh and push myself back onto my feet, not sure how long I've been gone and not wanting anyone to worry.


I carefully make my way through the front door, arriving back from my walk. Fresh tears still lingering on my cheeks. Glancing into the living room from the entryway, I see literally everyone is gathered in there. No one says a word. It looks painfully awkward.

I practically tiptoe into the the living room, hoping that by some miracle, no will stop me from turning the corner and flying up the stairs. But it's the quietest, most hesitant voice that makes me stop in my tracks.


I turn to face the crowd and search for the source of the voice.

Josie's piercing blue eyes meet my gentle hazel ones. She has her dad's jet black hair. It's naturally curly and I remember I was always jealous of it. I am barely aware of everyone's eyes on us as we gaze into each other's. Josie tucks a loose curl behind her ear and slowly takes a step forward. "Hey," she says, as if we had just seen each other yesterday.

We're both twelve now but she looks so much more mature for her age.

"Hey." I can barely get the response out of my lips.

"Been a while," she laughs awkwardly. "Hardly recognize you."

Franklin attaches himself onto Josie's leg. He got more of his mother's traits. His blonde hair is neatly cut.

"I would still recognize you anywhere," I tell Josie with a smile. Then I hesitantly walk up to the two of them and squat a few feet away. "Franklin here, he's so big now."

He rubs his face against Josie's leg, shyly. It's cute, but it hurts. He doesn't even know who I am.

I stand back up, grateful that at least Josie remembers me. She sniffs a little and looks down to try and hide her oncoming tears. I open my arms, wanting to feel hers around me again. She accepts the offer and we hold each other. It's just like I remembered her loving embrace. She always gave the best hugs and that hasn't changed.

"I thought for sure you had died out on your own in the street," she whispers painfully. "I couldn't live with myself."

"None of this was in any way, shape or from your fault," I reply gently.

She gulps for air and says nothing. She holds me tight for the longest time. "I can't believe you're here, Josie."

I catch Bridget's eye for a moment. She looks like she doesn't know what to feel.

That's alright, neither to I after all.

Josie and I finally separate and she wipes her eyes. "Ugh," she groans jokingly. "Thanks a lot! You've turned me into a blubbering mess."

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