Chapter 28

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No. NO! This can't be happening...

It's just another nightmare Gen... It's just another... Then WHY won't I WAKE UP!!!

Nothing feels real as we all stampede into that all too familiar hospital. Bridget's holding Liam in her arms and he's already crying.

I can't do this, Lord, God I can't please... If you need an angel or something take the cancer out of her and put it in me, Lord I'll work in heaven please, I can't lose Lacy, NONE of us can...

I guess the tears are still falling out of my eyes too. A mess of emotions, we all crowd the front desk and Michelle practically demands that Luke let us in Lacy's room without going through the sign in process.

He scans all of our faces and looks like he's about to break down too.

"Listen," he starts quietly. "I should... Probably take you to a separate room and.... Explain the situation..."

We all stare at him, dumbfounded until Michelle starts shaking her head saying,

"No... NO! Nothing good happens when you tell us to 'come to a separate room and chat!'

Hot tears stream down her face and Megan pulls her into an embrace and lets Michelle sob on her shoulder for a moment.

I barely heard her whisper, "Ssshhh Mich, what exactly did Mom say?"

"Tha-That she doe-doesn't have much t-ime..."

There's silence for a moment before Luke starts talking.

"You'll get some more time with her but... It's a weird situation. Your parents are talking to the doctors and making a lot of decisions that... Are impossible and shouldn't have to be made," he says angrily.

"What do you mean?" I whisper painfully.

He turns my way and we lock eyes and his tears finally spill over. It's ironic really, the fact that the two of us know more about Lacy's cancer journey than her biological family...

"She umm... The cancer has grown out of control... It's out of our hands... They have to decide if they eBay to keep giving her chemo to see if that gives her an extra month, maybe but it might end up killing her sooner as well because... Her body can't take much more of that... Poison we call medicine..."

No. No...

"How long... How... Long are the doctors saying that...?" Bridget stammers.

Luke takes in a shaky breath as we all hold our own.

"At most... Three months..." he squeaks out.

Bridget immediately lets out a painful sob and starts to shake so much that she had to put Liam down. Luke's tears start flowing faster and he comes around his desk and let's Bridget wrap his arms around him.

No. All I can think NO! I slowly sink to the floor and shake my head. The tears won't come anymore because I refuse to accept this as the truth.

Michelle starts swearing like crazy and her and Megan just rock each other back and forth.

All the sudden my vacant stare is broken by Luke getting down in front of me.

"Hey," he says gently.

I say nothing.

"You wanna... You wanna see her? Ben and his fiancée are in there."

Where She's Beenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن