Chapter 30

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I'd forgotten how amazing his arms felt when they wrapped around me. I'd forgotten how much I loved to run my hand down his scruffy beard after he'd gone a while without shaving. I'd forgotten the way his eyes could read my every feeling and mine could to the same to him.

I'd forgotten. And I don't want to forget.

Neither of us want to let the other go or break away from each other's gaze. It really, truly, honestly feels that if I separate myself from him, I'll wake up and it will all have been a dream and then I'll start crying or something and Bridget will wake up and-

But it's not a dream... He's here, he's really here! I don't know how, but I don't care, because all that matters is he's with me.

I put my hands on his cheeks and search his eyes, watching sadly as the happiness falls back and sorrow enters.

The happiest moment of my entire life has just occurred, but the shadows of grief are lingering, ready to pounce as I wonder something.

"Da-Daddy?" I stutter, still trying to catch my breath. "You d-do kn-ow that Mommy and Ellen are-are g-g-gone-?"

"Yes, sweet girl, I know," he whispers. "I had a long talk with your Aunt sweetie."

I let a sob escape my throat and he gingerly tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Don't cry, Gen, please. They're in Heaven celebrating with us, Sweetheart! Your mom, your sister, they're in Heaven smiling right along-"

"And my brother," I say with a sad smile.

Dad's eyes widen and he whips his head around to look at Aunt Cassie only to discover that she's giving Josie a questioning look.

He slowly turns his head back to me and squeezes my shoulder.

"Yeah, umm... your brother too, Baby."

He stands up and takes me with him, lifting my legs off the ground and bringing me into himself.

I sniff and turn my head around to see the Tolias, (other than Dad, Ben and... Lacy...) all lined up staring at Dad and I, and I can't help but break into a fit of laughter.

Bridget awkwardly lifts her hand up and does some sort of a wave thing...?

Megan looks at Michelle who's standing there with her jaw on the ground. She laughs and starts to slowly push it back where it should be while adding sounds effects:


Michelle eventually swats her hand away and then they both start laughing.

Bridget gives them a weird look.

I'm about to start the most awkward introduction of ever when Mom... Adoptive Mom... Comes up to shake Biological Dad's hand.

"Hello," she says, a tired smile etched onto her face.

"Ma'am," Dad replies. He glances around at everyone. "You all must be the family that took my little girl in all these years. I thank-"

"Oh! Sir, are you her father?" Mom asks in surprise.

"My apologies, ma'am, I didn't properly introduce myself did I? Yes, I am this sweet girl's father and it means the world that you've looked after for so long."

Mom shakes her head. "It's my deepest regret to say that we've only had her here for three months, no longer, Sir."

Dad looks at me, sadness and questions written all across his face. "Were you in foster care all that time?"

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