Chapter 5

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The Tolias offered to let Aunt Cassie and my cousins stay at our place for the night, but they objected. They insisted that they came with no notice and already had a hotel. I hate to say it, but I'm relieved that they're not staying. As much as it brought me joy to see Josie, I wanted to have normal Friday night with the Tolias; watching movies and eating popcorn and such.

Ha. In my dreams maybe.

The minute the door closes behind Aunt Cassie, Josie, and Franklin, Michelle turns on her heels to face me.

"Explanation," she says simply, staring at me and tapping her foot.

Megan rolls her eyes. "Yeah. Cause the girl hasn't had a stressful day already. Let's make her explain everything in her life that ever hurt her!" she reprimands Michelle angrily.

Bridget's eyes search me the way they always do when she wants answers. Her hands hold one of Liam's and one of Lacy's. "This shouldn't be too big a deal, right?" Bridget asks timidly. "Gen doesn't have to go with anyone she doesn't want to."

"Put yourself in her shoes, Bridge," Mrs. T says gently. "It's not that simple."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the lady took it all the way to court," Michelle scoffs.

Megan groans at this and starts full out yelling at Michelle. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine on a rainy day?!?!" she accuses, throwing her arms out to the side.

"What did I say?!?" Michelle demands, turning so she's fully facing Megan.

"You always put a damper on everything, when it's bad enough as it is!"

"Ohhhh, yeah I'm sorry! Let me tell you all about how everything will be a-ok and how fabulous Gen being pressured to go home with some as- butthole whom she obviously hates-"

"ENOUGH!" Mr. T cuts in. Then he lowers his voice and says, "I think we're all a little tense. Fighting makes nothing better."

Michelle crosses her arms and rolls her eyes earning her another glare from Megan. I always hate it when the twins fight. Mumbling an "Excuse me" I race fast-walk towards the stairs and up to my room.

I barely hear Megan behind me saying, "See what you did?" And Michelle attempts to counter but is quickly put to a halt by her mother.

I enter the room and close the door behind me. Immediately I fall to my knees.

God help me.

And that's all I can think to say. My head is swimming. I try every calm-down method in the world. I start counting, breathing deeply. I got desperate enough to see if imagining unicorns on rainbows would make me any happier.

It isn't long before a knock sounds at the door. I inwardly groan a little, but what do I expect.

"Who is it?" I call.

"Your favorite sister."

I know it was aimed to be humorous but it just makes me think of how Elena and I used to say that. It was a joke we had because, we were the only sister the other had.

I stand up, slouch over to the door and open it. "Hey Bridget."

She offers me a weak smile. "Hey."

Both her hands are behind her back and she's licking her lips. "Crazy day, huh?"

"No kidding," I reply, turning back towards my bed and doing a belly flop onto it. I bury my face in the covers and beg my tears not to come. I feel something light land on the bed next to me. I lift my head to see a movie case staring back at me. A couple of fish are riding on the back of the turtle.

I read the title.

"Finding Nemo?"

Bridget smiles. "It's a classic. Besides, there is absolutely no treason to cancel movie night, am I right?" she says, her eyes sparkling.

I give her a grateful smile and pick up the movie case.


I pick up my popcorn and my soda and head down to the basement where Bridget has been joined by Michelle.

".... an idiot?" I hear Michelle hiss.

"Mother of Isaac Newton, calm down! I think you're overreacting but I do get your point," Bridget whispers. "To answer your question, yes I'm an idiot but it's fine, I'll just skip this scene. It's not that important."

"I need to see it all to get the full experience," I announce, smiling wide as they both jump at the sound of my voice.

Michelle does this awkward face where she's trying to smile at me and glare at Bridget at the same time. I look at the screen to see two little black am dots he striped fish. This is adorable!

I plop down in between Michelle and Bridget, loving this feeling of sitting on a couch in comfy pjs.

"Hey... Uhh... Gen?" Bridget starts.

"Hmmm?" I reply, my attention still on the little fish.

"This scene isn't really necessary to understand the movie and it's... Uhhh... a little scary."

I scoff. "Guys, I can't handle horror movie and war movies, I'm fine with a Disney film."


"Kazoonheight," I reply, confusing Michelle for a minute.

Bridget's hand lingers on the remote. "I don't know, Gen..."

"Guys I'll be fine."

Then a sharp toothed shark-like fish enters the scene. I feel Michelle and Bridget glance at me as realization hits me. He lost all his eggs... And his wife.

Is there no limit to what can trigger my emotions? Does anyone else get emotionally attached to a fictional clown fish?

The male clownfish swims alone before he finds one surviving egg.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Nemo."

I promise.

I manage not to let my emotions show and the scene changes. Michelle and Bridget eventually stop looking so tense and lean back into the couch to enjoy the movie.

I let myself enjoy it to. I find myself connecting with Nemo on an oddly deep and personal level... Is that normal?

I kind of like it how I can relate to it actually... In a weird way.

"Where can I find more of these... Pixar movies?" I ask with a smile.

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