Chapter 31

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He looks up at me and smiles a little, curious.

"Who's that?" he asks.

"Her name is Lacy," I begin, already barely keeping the lump in my throat from interrupting my speech.

"We don't have much time left with her Dad but I-She's in a hopeless situation yet-" I gasp for air and silent tears race yet again. Dad's smile slowly melts back away as he grabs my hand and squeezes me, supporting me as I try to fin my voice again.

"She's still the most hope-filled person I know and I-I think it would be good for you to see her."

He doesn't ask what's wrong with her. He doesn't think of how this could literally change his life. He just nods and squeezes my hand tighter.

"Ok, Baby. Take me to Lacy."

The walk to and into the hospital as become so familiar that something uncomfortable inside of me is bubbling up. It's not just sadness either. Yeah, everything is hurting but with news of Lacy's fate, it's like my body is finally starting to be tired of being sad and is trying to make me feel something else...

I try to swallow the raging emotions, even though everyone who's spent two seconds with me knows that's impossible for me.

Dad and I walk quietly through the front door, Dad looking around awkwardly and nervously.

Luke is at the front desk again. He smiles sadly at me, then glances awkwardly at Dad.

"Hey Luke. This... Well it's kinda a long story but this... is my Dad."

His jaw drops and his eyes pop and the sight of it actually makes me giggle like a five year old. He starts stuttering and stuttering while Dad has this look of both torture and amusement on his face. Finally, Luke just gives up, shakes his head and asks, "Ah, well, how can I help you two?"

The look on his face sets-no-throws me back into reality like a backpack being hurled against the wall on a Monday afternoon.

The fact that he didn't smile at me and automatically say I could go see Lacy cut me to the deepest part of my being.

"Why do you think I'm here, Luke?" I ask through the lump in my throat. It was meant to be a attempt at light hearted conversation but come off sounding challenging and demanding.

Luke bites his lip and I can feel Dad's sad eyes searching for my soul through the back of my head.


"What happened? Luke, TELL ME SHE'S OK!" I demand the tears breaking free like wild horses without warning.

"She's fine!" Luke quickly replies. "Gen, I just don't know if she's up to visitors. She's probably sleeping and even if she's not, she's really weak-"

"So we need to get our rear ends in there and not let her... Suffer alone!" I demand, surprising myself with the fierceness I'm portraying.

Dad gently grabs my arm in an oddly familiar and calming way. He pulls me into himself and quietly apologizes to Luke.

"Whatever's best for the patient, Sir," he says.

I take in a few more quavering breaths as Luke's pain filled eyes search my own.

"It's ok," he finally whispers. "Let me just ask her if it's ok to let you in."

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