15. Let's Put My Code-Breaking To The Test...Wasn't That Hard Anyway

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Chapter 15

Let's Put My Code-Breaking To The Test...Wasn't That Hard Anyway

My ball and chain sure did know how to do his job effectively. He didn't let me get out of bed, carried me to and from the bathroom when I needed to clean up or do my business, and brought me enough food to feed a small army. Managing to make me not want to be with him in the course of two days, however, wasn't supposed to be a part of it.

I threatened. Oh, did I threaten. After two days of doing absolute nothing but laying in bed, watching movies, and having Drake at my side the entire time...well, a girl needed some alone time, right? And here I was, all weepy just a few days before for not seeing him for a month.

I had visitors, of course, but they didn't stay for long with Drake watching them carefully. Even Aiden and Sterling came when John had appeared the second day of my captivity. He'd ushered them out after a lot of hugs and kisses from me and Drake telling me to be carefully. I wasn't listening to him at that point, though, with the boys laughing in my ears.

Emmy, John, Cruz, and everyone else was happy to have him out of their hair and into mine. Cruz even had the nerve to grin when he came to visit. It was one of the few times Drake even left the room, going to get dinner for both of us.

"At least I don't have to deal with him anymore," he grinned. "He's all yours again."

"I don't want him. Take him back...at least for a little while."

"He hasn't had you for a month, so, of course, he's going to be a little needy."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You make me sound like I was a stolen car the police finally got back."

His grin turned wicked. "Yep, and he can't wait to take the returned car out for a ride."

Okay, I must admit I wasn't prepared for the analogy to take that kind of turn...and my pun was totally not intended. I choked, my retort sputtering out in incoherent fragments, before a laugh bubbled out. An embarrassed laugh with a matching blush that immediately traveled up my neck to my cheeks.

"Good one, right?" Cruz boasted.

"Guys. I swear all of you are dirty-minded."

"Eh," he shrugged. "It comes with the Y chromosome. Some of you women can be a little dirty-minded, too, you know. I guess it comes with the dad's side of the genes."

"You and Kenna really are perfect for each other."

"That crazy woman who could make a priest blush? Of course. Why do you think I love her so much?"



"Dirty-minded pig."

"Couldn't come up with something a little better, Southern Belle? That's probably worse than being a princess. It's a that southern accent, pink and frill, painted nails and lipstick..."

I raised an eyebrow, gesturing to myself. "Obviously, you forgot who you're calling a Southern Belle."

Cruz glanced down at Drake's t-shirt I'd stolen and my pajama pants. "True, true. I've spent too much time around that friend of yours."

"Savannah? Now, she's the Southern Belle. She's the one who complains when she can't wear a dress or skirt. Ash has just learned to deal with her craziness...and I let her steal all of the clothes I'll never wear again."

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