The Start

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Hey everyone!! This is my first fanfic and I'll be updating in parts.. I really hope you guys like it!!

_-March 8th 2016-_

Amara's POV:

It's cold.. too cold..  this is to be expected though..

My teeth are chattering and I'm huddled in a ball to conserve body heat. It's dark outside and the streetlights are dimly illuminating the tiny apartment. 

My gaze flickers around the tiny four walls of the apartment that I call home and I shudder. A quick glance at the clock tells me it's 2:00 am but I can't sleep.

It's been nearly six month since I've had them and I know it's caused by him not being here. The dreams are back. I close my eyes as tears stream down my face in tiny rivulets. Taking a deep deep breath I try to calm myself down,

"Amara it's just a dream.. You're fine."

I whisper these words to myself as I rock back and forth. I hoped this would never happen again, but it has.. If this were Syria I would go into my mom's arms and all would be fine.

The funny thing though, is this isn't Syria.

I snap out of my thoughts just as it begins thundering and I just.. I just can't fall asleep again. Where is he... I need him.. I...  I don't even know what I want anymore. I want everything to be the way it was. I want to be really at home.  I  can't help but scream at the closed door:

"You said you'd be here daddy.. Where are you?!!"

I look at the door once more before I turn my attention back to the scene in front of me.

Curling up tighter I make my way to the thin sleeping bag on the floor. It's been raining so now the bag is wet and rain is leaking in through the cracks in the ceiling. I'm not going to get any sleep tonight. Sighing I make my way to the battered cabinet,  drag out a bucket, and position it under the leaking roof. I go sit next to the oven again listening to the raindrops falling into the bucket. Leaning against the oven isn't the most comfortable sleeping place, but at least it's dry. Leaning my head on the handle I close my eyes once again and try my hardest to sleep.

_-March 9th 2016-_

I wake up on the floor next to the oven, and the memories of last night just come flooding back. I'm six years old! I shouldn't have to be dealing with this!!

My daddy left about three days ago to work and he's never come back. I know the common response to a situation like this is that he's abandoned me but my dad wouldn't do that, I know it.

Today I will go out and look for him. There has to be a reason for his absence. I get up and look around for something to eat and stumble upon some bread on the counter.. This'll have to do.. Oh well. Looking at the shattered mirror we keep near the door, I steal a quick glance and sigh.

I wish I could change into something else, but this is all I have.. My green eyes look too big against my face and I'm noticeably pale.. I pinch my checks for a quick burst of lively color, put a happy carefree smile on, and bread in hand I head outside making sure to lock the door of the apartment.

I climb the six floors down with utmost speed, as most of these apartments are abandoned and bad people consistently are showing up in them. If one of them were to catch me.... I shudder at the thought.. No.. No. This is America after all.. the stuff I'm imagining only happens in Syria. I'm in such a hurry to get down that I don't notice a group of men coming towards me until they do..

Before I know it the leader of the gang is right in front of me. As I look around I see that he's surrounded by his posse of three or four men. I know all of them by name.. They escaped with us from Syria; But the similarities stop there.

His name is Ahmed and he's cruel.. He beat up a boy on our ship and threw him off the boat because he dared make eye contact.. I'm not going to give him any reason to hurt me. Keeping my eyes trained on the floor I whisper
"Excuse me please sir" and pray silently for him to just let me pass, but that doesn't happen.

He's drunk and sees I'm not with my dad. He grabs at me, and in his drunken fervor I'm much too fast for him. I sidestep his grab and try to take off running but a member of his posse grabs me and struggling I manage to get a good punch in.

He howls in pain but then hits me equally hard in the ribs. Gasping in pain adrenaline shoots through me and I run and run and run until I'm able to push open the door and see daylight.

Stopping at the gate I examine where he hit me and thankfully see that only a small bruise is forming. I'm actually glad only that happened.. It could've been a lot worse. Shaking it off I make my way to Times Square in pursuit of my dad.

A/N: I really hope that was a good first chapter.. If you notice any typos please please PLEASEEE tell me!! Typos annoy the heck out of me and I'm sure it's the same for you guys too....
-Love love love y'all

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