Chapter 1: Fairy Tail

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(Natsu POV)

My team was making way to the guild after we finished our mission. Recently I've been feeling like someone important is coming at any time.

"IDIOT! LISTEN I WAS TALKING TO YOU!" Someone yelled in my ear.


"You were dozing off to another world again Natsu." Said Lucy. All of them had a concerned look on their faces especially Erza.

"It seems like all the Dragon Slayers in our guild are quite and out of life even Wendy. What's going on?" Erza said really worried.

"I don't know but I feel like someone really important is coming." I said and we continued on our way.

(Crystal POV)

I was running through the city. Ok now I'm officially lost! Where the heck am I going?! I was running at full speed than I stumbled into a guy with yellow hair who had a lightning bolt scar on his face. I thought I was going to hit the ground but nothing happened. As I opened my eyes I looked up and saw the guy looking at me while holding my waist. A blush rose to my cheek and with a hurry got out of his grip.

"So sorry sir!" I said while bowing a multiple of times.

He was looking at me shocked. I think I might have freaked him out a bit but then he grabbed my arm and began to drag me through the streets.

"Hey what's the big idea?! Let me go!" I yelled at the top of my voice. What is he going to do with me?

"Shut up. You're joining Fairy Tail." He said with a smirk.

Wait did he say Fairy Tail? I've heard of this guild it was one of the topest. Since when I was young I wanted to join that guild but never could.

He dragged me all the way to a building which I assume is Fairy Tail. As we entered all eyes were on us. Why are they looking at me like that? Gezz I really hate attention.

The guy dragged me all the way to an old man sitting on the table. He looked at me than at him.

"She's going to join Fairy Tail."

"WHAIT! You never asked me if I want to join a guild. So how do you assume I want to?"

"Because I said so."

Ok this guy is working on my last nerve.

"Who are you?" The short old man asked.

"I'm Crystal nice to meet ya. Who are you?"

"I'm Macarov the master and sorry about my grandson, Laxus dragging you here."

"That's okay; anyway it was a pleasure meeting you so I'll be leaving."


Fairy Tail: Ruler of the DragonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora