Chapter 12: Chariot

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The second day began and I decided to participate in the game called ‘Chariot’. Three other Dragon Slayers were participating with me; Natsu, Gajeel and Sting. I’m really feeling sorry for those three, poor guys they have motion sickness.

I was running and was in the lead nearly finishing when Bocchus decided to have some fun. I don’t know how but he broke some of the carts sending some of us behind.

(Laxus P.O.V)

I still can’t believe what Crystal did yesterday. She engulfed Natsu’s flames but I thought she was a Lightning Dragon Slayer.

“Does that mean Laxus get motion sickness to since he’s a Dragon Slayer too?” Mira asked.

“Don’t tell anybody.”

“I think it’s obvious at this point but why isn’t Crystal affected by it?” Juvia said. Now she’s playing ‘Chariot’ and was in the lead until Bocchus came running at full speed, bumping into her and she fell down. “Crystal!” I could feel my blood boiling; from the lacrima visions I could see she had scraped her leg. Then I felt someone’s hand on my clenched fists. When I looked down I saw Mira was holding my hands.

“Don’t worry, it’s not like she’s going to die,” she said and I immediately pulled my hand away and she looked hurt.

(Crystal P.O.V)

In the game I came in second while Natsu and Gajell came last and Sting quit. I heard Natsu say that they are doing this for their friends and to show people that Fairy Tail is still walking. It really touched my heart, I guess that is what Fairy Tail is all about, being a family.

After ‘Chariot’ next it was going to be a battle me against someone in Lamia Scale. I was running in the corridor making my way to the arena when I stumbled into someone. When I opened my eyes in front of me was Sting. I immediately ignored him and tried to walk past him until he grabbed my arm.

“Let.Me.Go.” I hissed.

“Since when did you become so rude my Crystal?” he said chuckling.

“I’m no longer yours, Sting, not after what you did,” I said pulling my hand away.

“You’re the one to talk. Remember I know your dirty little secret. Now you wouldn’t want that info to spill out would you?”

I ignored him and went running to the arena but I could still picture him with a smug smile.

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