Chapter 15: Father vs Son

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(Crystal POV)

I was running through the streets making my may to the Battle Games. I can’t believe I overslept…again. Immediately I went near Flare and Master, “Don’t cause trouble in front of the council, Obra.” As soon as Obra left I turned to Flare, “so what’s the game?”

“Pandemonium.” Ok that doesn’t explain much. I was about to open my mouth to ask her another question but in the sky appeared a black magic circle and a black stoned temple slowly dropped from it. “What does ‘Pandemonium even mean?”

The guy with the pumpkin head began to explain the rules and apparently it held 100 monsters and every challenger had a right to challenge as much as he wants to. Erza was first and she wanted to challenge all the monsters at once. “I bet she’ll die there,” Flare said.

“Well I bet she’ll defeat all of them.” I said with a smirk.

We watched as Erza battled all of the monsters. At the end she looked very exhausted but she defeated all of them. The whole of the arena was cheering and I could see some of the Fairy Tail members with tears in their eyes.

“Told ya she’d win. You own me an ice-cream Flare!”

She just let out a sigh. For the rest of the contestants they decided to use a Magic Power Finder to test how powerful their magic is. One by one the contestants went to test their powers and now it was Obra’s turn and the value resulted in four when his little creepy flying monkey hit the MPF.

“Jeez! Obra, what the hell are you doing?! Are you an idiot?!”

“Silence, Flare. His Magic can’t be shown in front of people,” master said with a harsh tone.

“Y-Yes sir.”

“He’s a guy who’s gotta be forced to get serious,” Nullpudding added.

Soon enough it was Fairy Tail’s turn. Cana had destroyed the MPF with the magic power called Fairy Glitter which she used. “That Cana possesses one of the three Great Fairy Magic’s?” Master asked to himself. After two battles where finished Nullpudding handed Ivan a paper, “Alexei…Here’s the list of battle matches….” In the list their was written Alexei vs Laxus but this wasn’t going to be a fair match. “The time has come at last…move out, people.” All of us left to the battle field leaving behind us a photo copy image of us so no one will notice.

“This match-up…the management is well-informed. Shall we begin? For the sake of our true purposes….Crystal I want you to use your sword for this battle.”

I simply looked down at the ground. Not this time Ivan, this will be the last time you’ll see me. When they announced who was going to battle against Laxus the whole arena was cheering and wanted to know how this end will. Whilst Raven Tail is battling against Laxus the people will see an image which they will think it’s only Alexei and Laxus are fighting.    

(Macarov POV)



Warren was now telepathically communicating with the other Fairy Tail members who where spying on Raven Tail to see if they are up to something.

“Ivan… I won’t let you pull anymore cowardly stunts.”

The First Master giggled. “Is something wrong, First Master?”

“No, nothing. Doing everything in your power to protect your comrades…and just a little bit enjoying the circumstances…it’s splendid. The ultimate form of my appreciation is right before my eyes. Don’t forget this, Third Master. Um…or is it sixth?”

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