Chapter 8: Crocus

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After three months training in the snow I left for Crocus; the blooming capital of the kingdom of Fiore. The Grand Magic Games are going to be held here.

By the time I arrived at Crocus it was already sunset and I have to find the rest of the team. It wasn’t long till I spotted them.

“Flare! Everyone!” I yelled and went up to them.

Since Dad had me join Raven Tail I only made a friend, Flare. She was different than the others. She only did as she was told and if she opposed she would get beaten up.

“All of you have to be back into the inn before midnight. Obra you know what to do about the Sky Dragon Slayer?”

Obra nodded and left. Master told me he had to wear a disguise to compete in the games since he is not allowed.

“Crystal you are staying with me.”

I sighed. Great now I have to stay with Master. I swear I’ll kill him if he dares to hurt the Sky Dragon Slayer!

By the time we arrived at the inn it was midnight and everyone was waiting for us. Not a minute to soon a voice was heard and a 3D pumpkin head appeared.

“Everyone in the guild who have gathered together for the Grand Magic Games good morning! Beginning now, we’re going to take the 133 participating teams and have an elimation round to pare them down to eight.”

“Gezz he’s annoying.” I mumbled under my breath that only Flare could hear.

She giggled lightly, “Not to mention loud.”

I wasn’t paying any more attention to pumpkin head until our inn started shaking and it had transformed and in front of us formed a path. It seems like the other inns had transformed as well.

“All of you are going to race each other. You’re free to use your magic. We take no responsibility for any lives lost in the labyrinth. The Grand Magic Games elimination round! Sky Labyrinth…Begin!”

And so…Sky Labyrinth began.

Wish you luck…Fairy Tail.


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