Chapter 14: Dreadful Punishment

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I sighed heavily as I returned back to my guild, ready for what Ivan was going to give me. You see in every battle I’ve battled in my whole life if Ivan was near me he would always criticize me but that’s not all. His punishments were horrible, he would beat me up or sometimes he would even suffocate me until I’m near deaths door but this was going to be one of the worst things he will ever do.

As I was half way down the corridor I saw them, my master and ‘team mates’. I gulped and walked to them bowing my head slightly.

“I thought I told you that you have to make him cry didn’t I?”

“I did didn’t I? He cried when I told him about his sock.” I said as a small smirk appeared on my face but it soon faded away. He just grabbed my head and lifted me up like I was just a feather! I began to struggle out of his grip trying to free myself but it was no use, he only tightened his grip on me and it hurts like hell.

“YOU DISOBEYED ME! YOU TALKED BACK! YOU SHOWED YOUR TRUE MAGIC!” Without giving it a second thought he slammed me against the concrete wall and I felt like my bones where goanna crack any time now.

I didn’t whimper since I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me weak. Then I felt his cold metal gloved hand brush my bags that where hiding my left eye which was where my guild mark was. As I opened my eye he immediately gauged my eye with his golden glove which in the end it became sharp. The pain that I felt was unbearable and I let out a loud and horrified scream as tears of pain was coming down from the other eye whilst from the other red liquid was pouring out of it. Ivan just threw me to the other side of the corridor like I was some useless trash.

“You are really weak to be Acnologia’s daughter. When your father told me to raise you I thought that you’ll help me bring Fair Tail’s destruction but you are weak and pathetic like them!”

“St-stop. Th-they’re…s-s-strong”. I muttered. He just made a signal to the other and left with them to see the other battles whilst I was left there alone to tend to myself.

Damn him! I helped myself up and went straight to the infirmary to patch up my eye how I could.

As I was cleaning it and wincing in pain I heard the door behind me open. I turned around and saw Flare.

“Aren’t you suppose to be near him?” I asked her coldly.

“Aren’t you suppose to be a Dragon Slayer?”

“What are you saying?” I said as I continued to clean my eye.

“Ohh come on you could have easily killed him before he had the chance to gauge your eye.”

“Well yeah but I don’t want to destroy him for now he’s not worth it otherwise…”

“You’ll change the future right? Sometimes I forget you can see the future Crystal. Can’t you heal your eye with your Dragon Slaying magic?”

“I just don’t like to use my magic on myself I like to use it to help others not for my own benefits. You should go or Master will suspect something and you already have enough burses on your body.”

“Forget that. You are my friend and you are more important to me,” she said and came closer to me and cleaned and bandaged up my eye.

“Thanks…it’s great to have a friend,” I said. She nodded and left. I guess it’s no point to go and watch the battles. I sighed heavily and decided to go out since I’m sure someone will notice my eye.

(Laxus POV)

It’s already been an hour since the match with Crystal and that guy from Lamia Scale ended and still she hasn’t shown up near her guild. I feel like something bad has happened.

“Laxus what’s wrong?” Mira asked as I was pulled out of my thoughts.

“Nothing.” I answered shortly and turning to see the match that was going on right now.

“You’re thinking about her aren’t you?”

“Huh?!...What are you talking about?”

“Crystal. It’s obvious that you care for her. If you’re worried about her you should go and see her.” She said and lowered her head as dark expression took over her face.

I simply nodded and continued to watch the battle but also occasionally glancing back at Raven Tail. Maybe I should listen to Mira and go and check on her after today’s battles are finished.

(Crystal POV)

Night time came and the whole time I was resting in a small green patch filled with blue and yellow flowers. Damn Ivan my eye still hurts like hell! I didn’t feel like going back to the inn since I didn’t want to see their pathetic stares. I think I might as well stay here since it didn’t seem like it’s going to rain and also the smell of flowers really relaxes me.

I closed my eye and was drifting to sleep until I heard footsteps coming closer and stopped near me. I opened my eyes lazily but who I saw looking down at me made me jolt back on my foot.


I looked at him and it lookes like he’s worried. As soon as he came closer to me I took a step back and looked at the ground which suddenly looked very interesting. He lifted my head up so I could look at him in the eyes and he immediately cupped my face with his warm hands.

“What are you do-…” but he cut me off immediately.

“Who did this to you?”

“What are talking about?” I asked trying to avoid the subject but it only made him more impatient.

“Your eye. Who. Did. This?”

I shook his hands away and took some more steps back. “Nothing. I got injured during the battle that’s all.” I forced a smile on my face and turned to leave but then I felt two strong arms snake around my waste and pulling me to someone’s broad chest.

“How dumb do you think I am Crystal?” He whispered into my ear. “I’ve observed you during the battle and you weren’t harmed in anyway. Ivan did this didn’t he?! I swear I’ll make that old man pay!”

“Laxus…please don’t do anything stupid. It wasn’t that bad… besides I only lost my eye… not’s like it matter anyway…” I trailed off and he only tightened his grip around my waste.


I turned around and faced him and laid my head on his chest, “Thank you…Laxus. That means a lot. Thank you.”

We stayed like that for some time and it felt like time just stopped but that’s when I heard the clock struck midnight and it pulled me out from my own little world. “I’d better go it’s getting late.” Before I left I quickly kissed Laxus on the cheek. I giggled lightly when I saw a small hint of red on his cheeks and left quickly to the nearest hotel to rent a room for the night. That night I couldn’t help but dream about Laxus and it was one of the few nights where nightmares from the past didn’t come to haunt me again.   

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