Chapter 16: Joining Fairy Tail

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(Laxus POV)

I carried Crystal into the infirmary where Elfman was. I pushed the door and entered; there where rows of white beds next to each other and Elfman was lying in one of them and next to him was Evergreen who had her head rested on his bed. Well that's that's where she's been sneaking off to. I laid Crystal on a bed; it looks like I'll be watching her for a while until that old lady who hates humans for no reason comes. I sighed and took a chair next to her but at that moment she woke up and sat up quickly.

"Get back to rest you still aren't fit enough yet." I said but she only shook her head.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked. Her face was pale, even Mira's her couldn't beat it. I just pointed to the far end of the room where there was another door. She quickly made a bee line to the bathroom and she didn't bother to close the door.      

That's wired what's up with her? My question was answered quickly when I heard someone vomiting. I quickly rose up from my chair and went next to her putting my hand on her back.

After she was done and washed her mouth she looked so weak like she was going to faint at any moment so I picked her up and carried her to her bed. "I'm going to get Porlyusica to help you."

"No I'm fine."

I snorted, "Yeah? Why don't you go and tell it to the purple puke in the toilet." I said but she only glared at me for a minute and sighed whilst rubbing her forehead.

"It's just something that I ate." I raised my eyebrow looking at her and she must have felt my confusion since she explained it more.

"I ate Ivan's purple magic and since it's not dragon slayer magic it didn't agree with me so I had to get rid of it. It happened before so it's no big deal I'm just a little tiered."

(Crystal POV)

I just finished explaining to Laxus when the door of the infirmary opened and in came an old woman with pink hair, Master Macarov and Mira.

"How are you feeling?" The woman with pink hair asked.

"Ok just a little tired."

Macarov then came closer to me, "Tell me child who did that to your eye?" He asked me whilst pointing to my left eye.

I kept looking at him for a minute. The words where stuck in my throat and I looked down. "Ivan." 

He let out a sigh, "Do you want to join Fairy Tail?"

I looked at him shocked, "Why do you want me? I'm your enemy."

"Even though you where part of Raven Tail you didn't do any harm to us. There is warmth in your eye that the other members didn't have."

I smiled wildly, "Yes I'd love to join Fairy Tail!" I can't believe I'm going to be a Fairy Tail member; it was my dream since I was little."

"Very well...Mira give her the stamp."

Master told Mira to give me the stamp. "Where do you want it Crystal?"

"On my left ankle please."

She nodded. After she pressed the stamp on my left ankle there was a Fair Tail's guild mark. It was like it was made from ice.

"How wired I've never seen a guild mark that color. Anyway welcome to Fairy Tail and later I would like to have a talk with you Laxus even you Crystal but for now rest." Master said and he left with Mira.

"Get some rest. I'll be with Freed and the others if you need anything." Laxus said. I nodded, he kissed my head and left.

"Why do you smell exactly like Grandeeney?" I asked the old woman with pink hair when everyone left. She just looked at me with no expression her face. "My name is Porlyusica now get some rest."

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