Author's Note

4.8K 108 15

I hope you guys weren't expecting a third part to my epilogue; I just needed to say what I'm about to say.. 

So, it's over. Truth or Dare is actually over. Just a about a year ago from today, I had an idea pop into my head. So I did what any of us fellow members of Wattpad would do. I composed a new story. I wrote down the idea I had in my head. I then proceeded to edit it and make it more like a chapter of a story. 

At first, the reads and feedback were minimal. But I didn't care. I was just happy that someone liked the ideas I had. So, I continued. I wrote more and more chapters. 

One minute I had twenty or so chapters, with 4,000 something reads, and the next my story had, like a growth spurt. My story started increasing like 2,000 reads, over night. It was all becoming surreal for me. The comments and votes just kept coming and coming, along with the reads. 

By the time I was starting to conclude my story, I had like 40,000 reads! It was absolutely nuts for me. I'm just some girl, from an incredibly small town, writing away her fantasies, and I had almost half of a hundred thousand people reading my story. My story. 

Now, as sad as it is for me to say, my story is over. I currently has 68,399 reads, 656 votes, and 188 comments, and they're still coming! I know that isn't a lot compared to these super famous stories on Wattpad, but there is not a moment that I am not grateful for these reads, votes, and comments I get. 

I know at the end of literally every chapter I thanked you guys for everything y'all do, i.e. reading, commenting, and voting, but I could never say thank you enough. You guys have helped me achieve my goals, as a writer. My goal at the beginning of ToD was just 10,000 reads, now see where I am. It's unbelievable!! So, THANK YOU SO MUCH. 

I've always wanted to become a write, all throughout my life, but that idea is very unrealistic for me right now. So, I'd like to thank you guys (once more) for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams, even if I don't have the chance to publish a book. This is good enough for me. So, thank you all. 

I'm not telling you all to go read my other stories, but if you'd like, I have three, different fanfics I'm working on, at the moment. I have Rebel Love, Dear Kennedy, and Womanizer. I also have a non-fanfiction story, called Forbidden Love, but I won't start that until later. I've had a few people tell me to write another story, so if you are one of those people, those are the names of my others. 

As I conclude this, I just want to thank you guys again. You all are the best. I love you guys so much, and I can never express how thankful I am. I would be lying to you guys, if I told y'all I wasn't emotional about Truth or Dare being over. I just adored writing it so much, and now, it's over. There will not be anymore updates; no more "Chiall"; no more Truth or Dare. So, as my final thanks... Thank you for making my story so much more than I thought it would be. 

I know this is getting mushy and such, so I will just end it...

Thank you all. I love you all. xx


Truth or Dare? (Niall Horan Fanfic) (WATTY AWARDS 2013)Where stories live. Discover now