3. Allison

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Caramel eyes shot open to the paint-chipped ceiling above and Stiles almost thought that everything was normal. There was the faint sound of the morning news coming from the tv downstairs and the smell of coffee slowly drifting upstairs. Just like every Saturday. But the single click of the door opening a room down reminded him that is was no longer just him and his Dad.

He sighs, groaning while rolling off the bed and onto the floor, dragging the blanket down with him. Only then did he notice his phone ringing. With another groan he located his phone and hits the 'answer' button.
"Hello?" His voice was gruff with sleep. He doesn't dare open his eyes to the sun.
"You wanna come pick me up so I can wait for Scott at yours?" A sweet, melodic voice asks through the phone. Allison was a sweet girl, really. She'd moved to Beacon Hills last year and Stiles took her under his wing. They were practically family. It never went farther than a friendship but it wasn't like they were inseparable. Every now and then Allison would spend the night at his house for a movie or two and occasionally he'd help her pick out a dress because she would complain about how she needed "a male opinion". But nothing more than that. As soon as her and Scott met, she was swept off her feet. The two liked each other, it was obvious, but not enough to make anything official so both agreed to stay friends until they figured out where they stood. Everyone knew they were basically dating though.

"Are you asking or telling?" Stiles mumbles.
"You know you love me." He could practically hear her smile.
"What would you do if I didn't." And with that he ends the call. He didn't want to get up. Then again, who ever wants to get up in the mornings, especially on the weekends. But Allison was one of his best friends and he'd do anything for the girl. Sleepily, and grumpily, he gets up and grabs a t-shirt and some jeans, the whole way downstairs muttering how she would own him some ice cream later.

"I'll be back. Gotta go get Alli– shit, you scared me."
Her emerald eyes widen at his choice of words and, well, the fact that he was in nothing but boxers. As if only now noticing, he frantically begins to put on his clothes.
"Language." Mr. Stilinski scolds.
"Shoot. I meant shoot." Stiles corrects himself while buckling his belt. He was surprised she was even out of her room for this long, sitting at the kitchen "bar"  on one of the stools while munching on some poptarts. For a little while they just stare at each other.

Stiles hair was untamed nor did it look like it actually could be tamed. His eyes looked tired but so full of life and as he entered the kitchen in search of his car keys, she noted how even in her presence, he was completely relaxed and confident. As if she had lived here all along.

Lydia, on the other hand, was curled into herself; knees hugged to her chest, arms wrapped around her legs, and her strawberry blonde hair fell in soft curls over her skin. She was very beautiful, he noted.

One thing both of them were comfortable with was looking each other straight in the eye. He would glance up from spreading peanut butter on waffles and meet her eye, holding her gaze for a moment before returning to his task and she would do the same.
"So..." Stiles sighs to clear the silence. "Social anxiety?"
"STILES!" Mr.Stilinski scolds from the living room. Stiles grins, wrapping the two waffle sandwiches he had made in paper towels while swiping his keys from their place on the kitchen counter.

He apologizes to Lydia while opening the front door, the girl still quiet though clearly affected by his earlier comment. She finishes her breakfast in silence (surprise, surprise) as Mr.Stilinski apologizes again for his son but she squeaks out "it's fine" before going upstairs to her room. The bed barely dips under her weight as she sits with her legs crossed. Lydia bites the inside of her cheek a little too hard and she can taste blood but it was all she could do to not to think of anything bad.

"You're such a little bitch!"
"Language, Allison."
"Sorry Mr.Stilinski." The dark haired girl says with a light laugh while stealing a gummy worm from Stiles' bag. The boy groans but doesn't try and stop her, too busy with trying to find something on tv. "Seriously though. You've got a date with a girl that you can barely say two words to."

"You act like I don't know that." Stiles knowingly shoves a handful of gummy worms in his mouth to avoid talking. Allison was an amazing friend, don't get him wrong, but she had a habit of staying the obvious. More often than not something embarrassing that the boy would do. She smirks, wiggling deeper into the couch with her head resting on his chest and her legs sweeping over the arm rest. Mr. Stilinski was sitting in the recliner to the left of them, a book in his hand and reading glasses at the end of his nose as he paid no mind to the teens except for when a curse leaves one of their lips.

There's a knock at the door but none of them bother to get up as Scott lets himself in. They all say their string of greetings while Allison stands from the couch.
"How's Lydia?" Scott wiggles his brows causing Stiles to groan and Allison looks between the two boys.
"Who? What?" She questions causing Mr.Stilinski to lower his book.
"Stiles, you didn't tell her?" His father asks. The boy groans again, not in the mood to explain what the hell was going on. But he knew he had to.

"Long story short, we have a girl living with us now. Don't ask me for details because I don't know much except for she barely even leaves the room." Stiles sinks further into he couch. But Allison wouldn't have that. She clears her throat, crossing her arms while tapping a foot too loudly but all Stiles does is give her a sideways glance. Tap. Tap. TAP.

With a sigh and a muttered curse he stands and grabs Allison's wrist, dragging the girl upstairs after him. Footsteps stop diagonal of Lydia's room and Stiles points to the small light from underneath.
"What about..." Allison trails off, pointing to the 'forbidden room'.
Stiles shakes his head. "Dad knows I would've–"
"Would've what?" Her voice was a warning. He wouldn't have done anything and they both knew it.

Stiles sighs as Allison passes by him and knocks on Lydia's door. The strawberry blonde girl looks up from her book with interest. She normally wouldn't answer the door but something tugged her towards it.
"Hi I'm Allison!"
Lydia jumps at the loud smile and enthusiastic hand held out for her to take. The door was barely even open before the limb was thrust upon her. But Lydia didn't dare take it and Allison seemed to get the memo, lowering it while clearing her throat.

"I'm one of Stiles' best friends so I assume I'll be seeing a lot of you more often." The girl continues in a friendly manner. Lydia swallows harshly, awkwardly glancing between Allison and Stiles, who looked just as eager as her to get out of this conversation. Stiles admired his friends persistence but only at certain times. Right now was not one of them.
Authors note:

This is the first time that I have ever seen "The 10 Things I Hate About You" and I am in love with it. Just old school movies like that or "The Breakfast Club" or "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" I loooove....I was born in the wrong era.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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