25. First Dance

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"I brought cake!" Stiles didn't really need to say it out loud, the large, plastic, cake sized tub in his hand was evidence enough. But Lydia squealed anyway, a cough following shortly after. She was lying down, under the covers with a small smile lacing her face and she leans up a little to examine the box in his hand.
"Is it an ice cream cake?" Lydia asks while already eyeing the pastry. Stiles chuckles and sits while digging out some forks from his bag.
"Don't be ridiculous." He says in all seriousness and Lydia gives a disappointed cough. "Of course it's ice cream cake." He grins and she returns it.

The boy sighs through his nose, and helps prop the girl up against some pillows before scooting in next to her. Lydia laughs at the cursive frosting on top:

This cake represents our Storge.

They take a bite at the same time and Lydia hums as the cold ice cream soothes her throat.
"Storge. That's a good one, lemme write it down." She gestures for the journal and Stiles gives it to her without question. His eyes watch lazily as the pen creates loopy handwriting on the page and he gets some more cake.
"I was thinking of putting Eros but it seemed a little too strong for a first date." Stiles explains.

They stay like that for a while, eating cake and watching whatever was on tv. Gradually Lydia's body molded further into his and his hand slipped into hers, the pastry box long forgotten on their laps. And eventually the room fell silent, the television turned off, Lydia's eyes falling heavy and though it was the middle of the day they were both tired as hell. A laugh escapes the girl suddenly and she takes a finger full of frosting and plops it on Stiles' nose.

"What was that for?" He mutters, finally moving the box.
"So I had an excuse to kiss your nose." Lydia whispers before doing so. He hums in appreciation before bringing the kiss to his lips.
"How do you feel?" Stiles asks. The room was still, calm, offset.
"If I told you honestly, you'd start a riot."
And he understood. She wasn't well and they both knew it. But neither really dwelled on it either.

Allison would be here any second. In fact–
"Knock knock..." Allison sing songs while opening the hospital door. The girl smiles sweetly upon the sight of the too and she sets down her bag on the guest chair before moving to hug Lydia. "I brought you something." The brunette beams and Lydia gives a light grin along with a cough. Allison squeals like a little child before moving to her bag. From it she produces a small black dress, simple and elegant and meaningful all the same.

"I asked her to bring it by." Stiles explains. "You've never had a first dance and what a perfect thing to do on a first date."
Lydia smiles, thanking Allison while taking the dress. The brunette stays for a while, making small conversation with Stiles as Lydia puts on the dress. Allison gasped and squealed again once the girl emerged from the bathroom. And she was beautiful as ever.

But as Stiles stood from the bed, there was something about her. She was small and delicate as his hand grabbed hers. Both chuckle slightly as Allison puts on a soft song before leaving.
"You wanna dance with me?" He whispers and Lydia laughs with a nod. And that was it. They took small steps with held hands and one of his on her waist. It was cheesy as hell but neither really cared.

Lydia's hands eventually found the back of his neck and Stiles smiled and gave her a kiss before resting his forehead on her shoulder. There was something about this moment. There was something they both felt but couldn't say yet the two just sort of knew. Stiles hummed the tune softly into her ear before parting his lips to sing the chorus softly.
"Falling in love. With. you..."
Lydia held onto him with a cough and a sniffle and a tear down her cheek that he wouldn't be able to see.

And she thanked him.

She mumbled into his chest how no one had ever taken care of her or ever cared to care at least. And this girl clung to that boy with every ounce of energy her drained body would allow because dammit if they didn't love each other so.

I know what you're thinking. Look at these two kids, slow dancing in a hospital room as the lights start to fade. And you're right. There's not enough chapters left for all of her problems to be solved. I wish I could say that everything worked out. I really do wish.

No authors note.

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