19. Kissper

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School seemed long and torturous.

Well...more than usual especially since it was the first day after break and Stiles would be retrieving Lydia from the station this afternoon. He was scared, truth be told. Would she reject him all together, ignore him, hit him? He didn't think so, after all he was in the right.

The bell rang and I guarantee you Stiles was the first student out of that classroom, out of that school, and on the rode. His phone rang.
"You're not at your locker." Allison chuckles from the other side as he picks up. Stiles smiles, practically hearing her smirk-like grin through the phone.
"Sorry I just–"
"You'll just bring by your Chem book later."

"Or you could come over instead?" He turns down a main road.
"I wouldn't want to disrupt anything."
"You wouldn't be."
With a sigh, Allison agrees and Stiles makes a mental note to invite Scott and order pizza. He parks the jeep and hops out of his seat, jogging giddily up to the front counter. She was nowhere in sight.

"Lydia will be here in a little bit." Mr.Stilinski calls from his office, "go wait outside." The man chuckles as his son instantly takes orders. He was a sight to see. Stiles takes his time to walk back outside, eyes frantically searching the streets as he sits on the hood of ol' rusty blue. Time seemed slower in this moment than it ever had in school but he was patient. Patient and bored. His knee bobbed up and down frantically against the tire while his eyes flickered to any sign of movement. And where was she? After twenty seven minutes, where was she?

All movement stilled as a squad car pulled up in the opposite side of the street causing Stiles to hop down from the hood. Suddenly his palms became sweaty and anticipation roared through his body because what the hell would her reaction be when she saw him standing there like a fool? Strawberry blonde locks appeared from the passenger side, sunlight making her eyes sparkle and setting her ablaze.

She stopped. Took a good look at Parrish. Took a good look at Stiles. Rounded the front of the car. And she just stared at him for a while, his face clearly full of worry. He swallowed air, mouth dry and all thoughts focused on her. Because they loved each other. Not in love, just loved each other.

Lydia laughs a smile, rolling her eyes before crossing the street and running into his arms. Maybe he was a little surprised, but he held her all the same. It had been...what? Three days? Two days? But in teenage time that's an eternity. Lydia pulls out of his grip, cupping his cheeks instead to bring Stiles' lips to hers. He accepted the kiss with a smile and his hands on her waist to pull her closer as he leaned against the jeep now.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes, Lydia's hands moving to his shoulders. Their foreheads rested upon the others, noses brushing as well as lips every time the other spoke.
Lydia laughs. "Don't be. Y-you did the right thing and I was being a bitch about it." She whispers, pecking his lips.
"Yeah but I–"
"Stiles." Her tone is reprimanding so she shuts up. "Thank you..."
He nods, kissing her again.

"Wanna go home?" He murmurs causing Lydia to smile and nod. She wrote a new word in his journal on the journey home, one she had created herself. Kissper, the mumbling of words into another's lips. A whispered kiss.
She fell asleep tucked into his arm and a minute later, he fell asleep too.

As soon as the two arrived home, there were barely any words exchanged. Lydia didn't talk about being away and Stiles didn't talk about her being gone. Stiles had just grabbed her hand gently and led her upstairs where they both fell asleep on top of his covers. They were emotionally exhausted.

Stiles woke up an hour after Lydia had to the sound of music downstairs and no girl laying next to him. Dragging himself downstairs with tangled hair and tired eyes, there was something there that he didn't expect to see.

Allison and Lydia sat on the couch with Allison going on and on about lord knows what, Lydia's hand in her lap as the brunette painted her nails. She would nod occasionally as Allison rambled on, both of them oblivious to the boy tip-toeing into the kitchen.
"She came to get your chemistry book and got stuck doing my nails." Lydia calls out.

Emerald eyes danced over his body as he shoved his hand into a box full of lucky charms. It was clear he'd just woken up; tousled hair, lazy expression, pillow marks across his cheeks. She decided she liked him this way.
Allison had paused her conversation briefly. "Always worrying about damn food." She grumbles, eyeing his choice of cereal before going on again about some guy that had attempted to flirt with her.

Stiles chuckles under his breath, wandering into the living ion before sitting himself in the love seat. He closes his eyes, a handful of cereal in his mouth and forgotten rock music from the 90's playing faintly behind his best friends voice. Everything was at piece, everything (for once) completely okay.

Lydia interrupts Allison's speaking again, this time with a string of coughing that made Stiles' stomach lurch. It sounded abnormal, throaty, as if the skin on the inside of her throat had turned dry and begun to create jagged holes.
"You okay?" Allison questions as she begins to calm down. Lydia nods. But no one believed her.
Authors note:

I've been obsessed with Melanie Martinez lately and I want a freaking baby doll dress because of her.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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