4. Serious

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If the boy couldn't sleep in on Saturday, Sunday was his best shot. In fact, Sunday's were his second favorite to Saturday's. Sleep in, traditional Sunday pancakes, permission to be a hermit in his room all day and to top it off, The Walking Dead at 9 PM. Stiles usually finished all of his weekend homework on Friday in class to avoid screwing up the Sunday schedule and that's the way it's been since the fourth grade.

Allison didn't stay much longer after what Stiles would now refer to as 'the great encounter', her and Scott due for another trial date. He chuckles at the thought, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed with a yawn and a stretch. The phone on his bed side table buzzes and vibrates against the surface and Stiles quickly snatches the device. Speak of the devil.

Text from Alli: It was okay... I'm not even sure if he really likes me anymore :(

Stiles rolls his eyes.

Text from Stiles: trust me that boy is head over heels. Still just friends?

Text from Alli: Next trial date is this Friday.

Text from Stiles: I'll be sure to mark it on my calendar. (Note the sarcasm)

With that, he throws his phone back on the nightstand and grabs a towel off of the floor instead. First thing on the Sunday agenda: a scolding hot shower. But as he opened his bedroom door and the sound of already flowing water filled his ears, he knew today would be the day his Sunday Schedule broke.

"DAD!" Stiles calls while going down the stairs as quick as he possibly could, rounding the corner to see the man drinking coffee behind the kitchen counter. "Why is Lydia in shower?" He asks with desperation in his voice.
Mr.Stilinski shrugs. "Maybe because she wanted to take a shower."
"Dad, it's Sunday!" The boy moans, flopping to the tiled floor next to his fathers feet. It sounded like it hurt, and it did, but he didn't dare show the pain on his face. "I have a schedule to maintain."

"Ahhhh, the infamous 'schedule Sunday'."
"You can't use 'infamous' in that sentence. It implies that schedule Sunday is quote unquote, well known for it's bad quality and, or, deed." Stiles makes air quotes with his fingers.
"Did you eat a dictionary last night or something?" Mr.Stilinski teases.
"We're getting off topic. The shower?" The boy bats his eyelashes and juts out his lower lip while taking a hold to one of his fathers legs.

He sighs. "What do want me to do? Kick her out of the bathroom?"
"Pretty please?"
"Stiles!" He scolds just as they both hear one door open upstairs and another close, signaling she was done. "There, now go take your shower."
Stiles stands, snatching his towel from the floor.
"You're no help." He sneers, stomping upstairs. "AND NOW I'M FIFTEEN MINUTES OFF SCHEDULE!"

The only time Stiles ever left the house on Sunday's was for afternoon coffee at Susan's, a small cafe downtown Beacon Hills. Mostly because a particular girl also came in for a regular coffee. Stiles would stroll into Susan's exactly thirty minutes before Malia would get a caramel mocha, taking a booth in the back while pulling out a notebook and pen from his knapsack. The pages were curled and torn and water stained and the blue pen was surely running out of ink but he had three more just like it.

Unrequited love, he wrote, the act of loving someone who doesn't know you exist. The little bell on the front door dings and Stiles sinks lower in his seat as Malia struts in with a smile. She greets the girl behind the counter before placing her order and moving off towards the side while Stiles takes note of her appearance in his head. She wore light skinny jeans and a black t-shirt that looked as though she'd bargained for it at some concert. Heels made her look taller than she already was not to mention some horrible purple purse hanging from her arm that probably belonged to Barbie before her.

Only when she looked his way did he actually start to panic. "Stiles?" She grins. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT. The boy repeatedly curses in his mind. SHE NEVER LOOKS OVER HERE. THIS ISN'T PART OF THE SCHEDULE. But Malia didn't know that so of course she made her way over to the table, the click-clack of her heels sounding more like gunfire at this point. "I didn't know you came to Susan's." The girl beams, sliding into the seat across from him.

Stiles shrugs. "I-infrequently."
Malia laughs. "You know, you're cute when you stutter."
His eyes widen and he forces a small chuckle because in this moment, Malia was Clarice and he was Rudolph. Odd noises and sputtered words slipped from his mouth in strange ways as he awkwardly shifts in his place causing Malia to chuckle at his embarrassed actions.

"I thought you said we were going to meet up Friday?" Stiles finally managed, glancing to see if her drink was ready.
"Oh, we still are! This is just kind of a friend-date. Before anything gets too serious." She messes with the ring on her right hand. This wasn't even a date. They just randomly showed up at Susan's and noticed each other. Well, Malia did.
"Serious?" Stiles questions.
Malia looks up. "Yeah, unless you don't want to."

"NO! I-I mean no, I definitely want things to get...Serious." The word stung on his tongue. Serious? What did the word mean? Were they pre-relationship material as of this moment? Malia laughs with a smile, easing some of the tension Stiles felt and he clears his throat just as the waitress brings her coffee to the table.
"Well I guess I'll see in Econ. Bye, Stiles." She grins, waving slightly as she walks off.

"You too!" He winces at the level of stupidity dripping out of his mouth.
Serious, he writes down in his notebook, a word that scares me shitless. The point in a relationship where the label "boyfriend/girlfriend" becomes a regular occurrence. Making out and/or sex is optional though often preferred.
Authors note:

Okay...yes I know what you're thinking. But Malia will be outta of here as fast as she came in. I promise.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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