13. Dictionary please

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"So that's it? We're over?" Malia hisses causing another string of hushing from the librarian. Stiles piles more books into his arms with the roll of his eyes.
"Over? Had even began?" He asks in a hushed tone causing a glare from the girl next to him. "Friends?" He gives a hopeful smile.
She purses her lips before knocking over his books with a single, perfectly manicured hand, before strutting off.
"SH!" The librarian growls and Stiles made it his mission in life to glare at her the whole time he picked up his things.

"Time for education, child!" Stiles has to close the front door with his foot, almost falling in the process but then again he still had those books piled high in his arms. She spoke before he even stepped into the kitchen.
"I don't need education." She was perched on the counter like usual, a novel in her lap. His lacrosse sweater was draped across her shoulders, wild curls getting tangled with strings of the hood and he smiled while setting his things down on the bar.

"I didn't say the education was for you." He sighs, taking a seat on one of the stools.
"Who would the education be for then?" She speaks without lifting her eyes from their current page.
"Sadly, the education is for me."
"Can we stop saying education?"
"Education." He throws in with a cheeky grin before pulling one of the textbooks from his stack. Nearing the end of the school year basically meant cramming more tests in at the last minute. Cue the sarcastically enthusiastic 'yay's.

"So why don't you go to school?" Stiles asks while ripping open a package of twizzlers he'd bought earlier.
"I graduated my sophomore year. School was hard for me anyway...socially..." She mumbles the last part, as though embarrassed. Just as Stiles looks up, her nose was implanted in that goddamn book again. He wanted to say something. He wanted the girl to talk to him. At least a small conversation and he wanted to throw that book across the room to get her attention. But he didn't.

Two hours, three textbooks, and infinite silence later Stiles had finally given up, his head falling into a page full of human anatomy notes as his eyes droop to a close. It was the state of half asleep, half awake, things happening in this moment to later be questioned as a dream or reality. Soft fingertips grazed his chestnut hair, gently picking up his head to pull the textbook from underneath it. Lydia stared at the boy longer than necessary, his features softer and more relaxed when sleeping.

His nose crinkled as a strand of hair fell to his forehead and she quickly brushed it away to keep him asleep. And then she left. Waking at two in the morning in an uncomfortable bar stool was not the most pleasant thing in the world. Stiles' back cracked as he sat up and he winced in pain. He was surprised to see his schoolwork had neatly been stacked and set off to the side. The boy faintly remembered Lydia picking up his head to move his things aside and maybe she had stayed a minute to examine his features but he couldn't be one hundred percent sure. Maybe he'd just been dreaming.

"You drink coffee?"
"I do now."
Mr.Stilinski chuckles at Lydia's response to his question.
"Late night?" He asks to which she gives an "eh" meaning so-so. Just in that moment, heavy and quick footsteps sound from above, traveling down the stairs before arriving in the kitchen. The two sleepier people of the household staring at a fully energetic Stiles.

"You," he points to Lydia, still out of breath. "Me. Beach. Today." Finishing his choppy sentence he falls to the floor making a mental note to work out more cause damn those stairs had winded him.
"Why?" Lydia asks, accepting the mug of coffee Mr.Stilinski handed her.
"Eleutheromania, heliophilia, and we shall murr-ma because I want to be gerful." Stiles sighs in bliss and Lydia laughs while his father remains completely confused.
"An intense and irresistible desire for freedom, desire to stay in the sun, and we shall walk along the water and search for stuff with our feet," Lydia laughs at that one. "because he wants to be wild and wayward."

By this time both of the teens are cackling with some form of joy that makes  Mr.Stilinski's heart warm.
The laughter dies down gradually at the mans speaking and they both think for a moment.
"I don't know that one." Stiles mumbles admittedly.
"An obsession with words." Mr.Stilinski grins before grabbing his morning paper and coffee off of the counter and traveling to the living room.

The ride to the beach was forty-five minutes, a comfortable silence filling the jeep. The windows were rolled down the whole trip, Lydia's hand hanging out of the window with her head resting on her upper arm, eyes closed in complete and absolute peace. The jeep had barely slowed to a stop before Lydia leapt from her seat and to the edge of the hill that lead down to the sand. Her stomach knotted at the amount of people near the shore and she immediately started to back away, bumping into Stiles. He chuckles, grabbing a hold of her wrist before leading her down the road.

All the while Lydia looked over her shoulder at the slowly disappearing crowd as they headed towards a large group of black boulders. She wanted to ask where he was taking her but her mind wouldn't focus on anything but the beach behind them and his fingers curled around her skin. Stiles led her to a cavern, the entrance concealed between two tall thin stones and illuminated by cracks in the ceiling. There was a pool of shallow water in the middle, seashells and lost things seemingly glowing in the dim lighting.

It was another secret place the boy had shared wth the girl.

Without hesitation, Stiles peeled all of his clothing (except his boxers) off and slipped into the water with laughter and giddy yelps. He motioned for Lydia to join him but she simply chuckled in reply, taking a seat on a rock near the edge of the water. The next couple of hours consisted of watching Stiles amuse himself, Lydia carving things into boulders with a sharp stone she'd found, and now watching Stiles search the sand for shells with his feet, just as promised. Emerald eyes danced over his relaxed expression as he picked up things from the ocean, examined them with interest before tossing them back into the salt waters. She smiles to herself before beginning to etch her initials into the stone below her.

"Look at this!" He calls out before wading over to her. Stiles holds out his hand for her to see the tiny starfish resting in his palm and she gasps silently. Her finger tips brush the creature softly in amusement. Stiles caramel eyes travel from his hand to her face, watching her with a soft half smile. They didn't know it but there was a word to describe both of their emotions in that moment.

Forelsket: the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.
Authors note:

Hanging with my home girl DYLBERRY 😝
Comment, read, enjoy!

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