24. Pudge

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Some days, Lydia was lesser. Friday Stiles had strolled into the hospital with high spirits but they quickly died as he entered her room.
"Hey." He spoke quietly, setting his bag in the chair in the corner. Her skin was pale and she looked drained of energy. She didn't respond as he chose to stand instead of sit.
"Not today...I'm not in the mood..." Lydia mumbles before turning on her side.

She wasn't often like this but she did have her days. Days where the sleeping medication seemed to work faster and more constantly. Days where there was silence and caramel eyes dripping lazily over pearl skin. But most of the time she was cheery, bouncing off the walls, speaking loudly and telling the boy of her dreams. He listens with a smile and tells her his in return.

Sometimes they'd watch a movie, other times she's read to him from her current novel but mostly they say in silence and counted coughs. He'd leave her room at night with a "seventeen" or sometimes a "thirty-two..." Lydia helped him with math and he helped her with keeping calm. But occasionally there was nothing he could do.

Walking into the hospital, it had become habit for Stiles to look down the hall and check to see if the door to her room was open. It was a sign that everything was okay. But today the door was closed. He paused in the middle of the hall.
"Stiles." Melissa called calmingly while emerging from behind the counter, the boys eyes still locked on the closed door.
"W-why is the door closed?" He whimpers, beginning to shuffle a little.

Melissa grabs both of his shoulders and begins to tug him gently towards the uncomfortable chairs he had grown so used to.
"Stiles, sit down."
"No, no why is her door closed?" He asks again, finally ripping his eyes from down the hall. Something was wrong. Shit, something was wrong and he wasn't ready to handle this.
"She's okay, I promise." Melissa reassures, forcing the boy in a chair and he sighs before running a hand through his hair. He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready. "Lydia spoke with me this afternoon and she...requested I not allow you to see her today..."

Stiles' eyes shoot up. "Not see her? Why-why would she not want me to see her?"
Melissa looks around the hospital briefly before sitting next to the boy with a sigh. "You know she's not doing well." Stiles nods. "Patients have a tendency to block out people during their worst days. They want loved ones to remember them the way they prefer to remember themselves; happy and alive."
"She'll still want to see me though right?" Stiles asks and Melissa smiles, guaranteeing that she won't block him out forever.

In took three days for the door to reopen. Stiles practically ran to the room and his sneakers skidded to a stop with some slight squeaking. She wasn't moping around by the window like he thought she would be. No, instead she was sitting amongst her pillows, book in lap, smile on face upon seeing him with a flushed face.
"Hi." He sighs.
"Hey." She chuckles back before Stiles was right beside her. She twirled her fingers around his chestnut hair, his head in her lap as he reads to her.

"I don't understand." Stiles mumbles.
"Why doesn't Pudge just tell her he likes her?" Stiles asks causing Lydia to laugh.
"It's not that simple." Lydia grins as he flips over to where he's lying on his belly.
"Sure it is, watch. Lydia, I like you." He throws him some jazz hands to prove his point.

"Yeah but Alaska has a boyfriend. Plus Pudge just got a blow job from a very hot Hungarian girl who he's supposed to be dating."
"First of all, she's Romanian. Secondly I don't think that matters cause what if she actually likes him back." And Stiles had a point so they didn't argue anything further than that. Lydia took up the reading after that and Stiles pulled a sharpie out of his back pocket to doodle on her arm.

The feeling was soothing and soon enough the book was put down and Lydia just closed her eyes to focus on the swirls he drew into her skin. Truth be told she almost fell asleep if he hadn't spoken.
"Done." Was all he said but it was enough to get her to pop up and examine her arm. And it was cheesy, something Lydia had surely seen in an 80's romance film but she didn't care because the question was embedded on her skin and dammit she loved it.


It was one word scribbled in some of the shortest handwriting she had ever seen but she said yes cause the way he did it didn't matter. She was his and they were each other's.
Authors note:

LISTEN UP NERDS (lol pitch perfect or nah?) the last chapter will officially be chapter 26. Put it on your calendar: 26. This chapter and the next chapter are kind of short but....yeah they're just kinda short idk what else to tell ya.

Comment, read, enjoy!

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