Chapter 3: At War

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~Your POV~

I gazed up at the stars lit in the sky, the moon smiling down upon Death City. I looked over to see that Jennicah had fallen asleep, still sitting on the bench.

I lightly laughed at how her mouth was wide open, but no noise came out. She was completely silent. She never did tell me all of what happened 8 years ago...

But it was a painful memory, so I decided against it. I waited a few hours more, until the moon slowly left and the sun peered over the clouds.

I woke up Jennicah sense she was now drooling, but it was odd because she only does that when she has nightmares.

I poked her on the shoulder as she jolted awake, eyes wide with fear and pain. But then relaxed realizing it was just me.

She giggled inaudibly, and smiled. I smiled back and slowly stood up. She wiped the saliva from her cheek and stood next to me.

We decided that covering up our scars and bruises would be for the best. So we found a store and used the money we had stolen from Melaina to buy bandage wrappings.

We covered ourselves from our collarbones to our ankles. Then threw away the paper roll left from the wrappings. Once satisfied and none of our scars showing, we headed to the DWMA.

We both walked up to the giant staircase of the school, and just stood there, amazed at how big it was.

We then started up the stairs, a little trouble walking due to our legs still wobbly from when we were in the Laboratory.

We eventually made it, stopping a few times to collect our breath, then strode on. Once we reached the top, out mouths agape at the scene.

The school was massive..! And it was perfectly symmetrical, even the flames on the candles sparked in unison.

It was astonishing really, but then we heard more footsteps trotting up the stairs.

We stepped to the side to let a few students pass. But my eyes widened and I started having another fangirl moment.

It was Maka, Soul, Liz, Patty, Kid, BlackStar and Tsubaki walking across the outside of the school and then through the doors.

I acted like I had never seen them before and just turned back to Jennicah. 'Should we go inside and talk to Lord Death?' She wrote in my palm.

I nodded, and we entered to school I had always dreamt of going to. The Death Weapon and Meister Academy.

I tried to act like like I've never see the place before, and got purposely lost a few times. Then we finally made out way to the Death Room.

We saw the familiar (to me anyway) black figure standing in front of a huge mirror.

He turned around at the sounds of our footsteps, "Hello, Hiya, What's up?" He asked in his silly voice.

"Lord Death, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), and this is my Weapon partner Jennicah Bioko," I greeted.

"Hello there, have you come to join the Academy?"

We both nodded, smiles on our faces. "Okay then! Show us your skills as Weapon and Meister!"

I looked at Jennicah and she nodded, as she focused on turning into a scythe. A swung her around a few times, then she turned into twin swords. A few more forms after like and Bow and Arrows, twin pistols, a Chain-Scythe and a Spear.

I pulled off a few moves with each of her forms, and then Jennicah turned back to normal.

He seemed impressed, but I couldn't quite tell due to his mask. "Nice work! Your stance is straight and your attacks are clean..! And you have so many options for a Weapon!"

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