5 Steps

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I explained to them what happened to me my last year in New York and all of the boys were so shocked and sad about what happened. I told them not to really dwell on it because I don't have any contact with anyone from there except for my friend Missy. When she found out what happened the next day in school she punched Drew straight in his face. She's really the only one that had my back those two years I was there.

" Why you aint tell us!? " Egg asked

" I wasn't ready."

" We all get that but next time something major happens can you tell us."

" You got it."

I looked at all the boys and promised them if something else happens that they would be the first to know. When I looked at Que who was sitting next to me he was smirking at me. I laughed at him and grabbed his cheeks and squeezed because he was just so cute. Out of all the boys only Issa knows how I feel about Que. He asked me once a really long time ago when I was high and of course my dumb ass got to smiling and giggling at the mention of his name.

" Nia look at Mommy and Uncle Que, aren't they cute ?" Issa who was now holding Nia asked.

" Man y'all niggas play too damn much!" Que yelled at the boys who were all laughing their heads off at the both of us.

" Issa, can I have my child back please she's half asleep in your lap."

He handed Nia to me and i went back upstairs to put her in her crib, my baby looked so tired. I went back downstairs and the boys were now talking about Que's new mixtape that just dropped last month.

" It's doing well so far, the fans were really excited about it !"

I sat back down next to him and laid my head on his lap while my feet were resting on the arm of the couch. They continued to talk about the mixtape and Que's up coming performances but I wasn't really paying attention to them. My eyes started to get heavy and I was just about to go to sleep on Que's lap when he whispered in my ear " You tired, Ugly ?"

I had my eyes closed and just nodded my head because I knew he was looking at me.

" Yo Naj is tired, are y'all gon stay down here or y'all leaving ?"

Issa said " imma be out I gotta go to my girl house anyway."

All the rest of them agreed and said they gonna leave. They all dabbed up Que and kissed me on the cheek then they headed out the door. Que wiped my cheek that they all kissed " Only i'm allowed to kiss you there, don't want no other niggas DNA on your cheek."

" You're so goddamn chidish!" I said laughing

" Do you want to sleep down here or in your room ?"

" I want to go upstairs but I don't to walk up there."

Que laughed then called me lazy. He slid himself from under me and I let out a little whimper from the absence of warmth from his body.

Que turned around and picked me up off the couch bridal style.

" Since when were you able to pick me up."

" I've been working out for just this moment baby, cause you heavy as hell."

" Haha very funny."

Que walked all the way upstairs with me still in his arms, opened the door to my bedroom and gently threw me on the bed. He took off his shirt and all his tattoos were in my view. i saw one on his ribcage that seemed fairly new. Que laid down next to me in his basketball shorts.

" You got a new tattoo ?" I asked gently rubbing his tattoo.

" Yeah like a month ago and I got another FYB tattoo." He lifted up his arm a bit more to show me another tattoo similar to the one one his hand.

" Are you going to get any other tattoos besides the one you got with me."

" No, that shit hurt." I said laughing.

I pulled Que closer to me and wrapped my arms around him but when my head hit his chest  I smelled him and it wasn't good.

" Que go take a shower you smell like concrete and sweat."

" You gon' come with me."

" No, I'll just take one after you."

Que gave me a little sly smirk " That's a waste of water, just come on it's not like we haven't before."

" No Que, that's different we were like 5."

Que sucked his teeth and walked to the hallway to get a towel from the linen closet.

Taking a shower with Que may not mean anything to him but that would mean a lot to me, that is one thing that I believe is super intimate and we're just best friends. I wouldn't want to leave myself that vulnerable, it was different when we were younger, we were babies then and our moms thought it was cute.

I waited for Que to get out the shower and he was in there for a good 30 minutes. Nia woke up and I changed and feed her again. I didn't want her to wake up in the middle of the night so I fed her so she could sleep through the whole night. Que came back into my room with my towel wrapped around his waist with water dripping down his dreads on his body - God he looks good- He went into his draw i have for him and got a pair of basketball shorts. When he was done he he laid down next to me. As soon as he got comfortable next to me I got up to go take a shower. " Don't take long or i'm waking up Nia to play!"

" You betta' not, I just put her back to sleep." He laughed at me then turned on the TV.

I took a little over 30 minutes in the shower because Que was with Nia so I didn't have to rush. When I got out I just changed in the bathroom and put my hair in cornrows so it could dry and be wavy tomorrow when i take it out.

I walked back into my room and laid on the bed. Que pulled me in closer to me like how we were before.

" I'm gonna take you out tomorrow so dress nicely."

" Are you asking me or telling me ?"

" I'm telling you i'm taking you out, you need some time away from Nia so my mama is gonna watch her."

" Okay at what time because I have tutoring until 5."

" Uhm maybe like 8. I want to take you somewhere nice."

" Thank you Jac. I love you so much" i kissed him on the cheek and he smiled showing me them pearly whites.

" You know I would do anything for you Tink." Que used the nickname my Dad used to call me when I was younger. He then kissed me on the forehead then moved down to my nose. His eyes traced down to my lips then back up at me, the next thing I know Jac's lips are on mine and I'm kissing back.

This can't be real !

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Naji in MM

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