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Day two of the trial was kind of slow. 

Today I was sitting in the stands listening to Isabe-- the 15 year old that Drew raped after me --tell her side of the story. Our stories sound exactly the same but I guess Drew learned his lesson with me and used protection. I knew this girl was telling the truth the moment I heard her story from Missy but to actually hear her explain in depth made me one hundred percent sure. 

Now Aaron is going up to speak on my behalf. My lawyer Williams is here to represent Isabel for free, Her brother told me they were having a hard time financially so I thought it was the least I could do to help.

" Now, Mr.Sanders what is your relation to Mr.Calloway? "

" That's my cousin."

"If he is your cousin why are you testifying against him?"

"Because I don't think what he did was right."

"Or is it because he tried to take your then girlfriend from you?"

Ye- I mean no but it did play a part."

"Remember Mr.Sanders you are under oath, so please tell us the reason."

 "Well, for starters...I love my cousin but he is a compulsive liar. I always have to have his back but he never does the same, and yes Missy was a reason I'm doing this. I love that girl with my all and Drew ruined everything we ever had as usual."

Aaron started tearing up, he looked so angry as if he'd been holding that all in for so long.

" After Drew moved in with us, My dad told us both that no matter what we stick by each other side but I guess Drew never took it serious because every chance he got he threw me under the bus." He turned to me and we looked each other straight in the eyes. " Naji, I'm so sorry I should have believed you."

Then he paused and looked at Drew

" You ruined every good thing I ever had from the time we were younger to now. I wished it was you that got smoked instead of Mel!"

Aaron talked with so much hurt and anger in his voice that I felt his pain too. Mel was Drew's brother, and Aaron's older cousin. He was killed a few years ago. Aaron knew how to hurt Drew and I assumed it worked because Drew was wiping his face trying to hide the fact that she was crying.

I remember when Aaron told us about what happened to Mel, he had gotten so choked up. I remember seeing all the pain reflecting off of his ember colored eyes and it hurt me so much to see him like that because I know exactly how he felt. It hurt Aaron to speak those words but I know he wanted Drew to feel the same way he did. There was so much that Drew had done to Aaron, and he was letting it all out now, in this courtroom, in front of all these people.

"Man! Fuck You! " Drew yelled back " You wasn't shit til' I made you so!"

The judge banged her gavel loudly. " Order in the court! One more outburst from you, Mr.Calloway and I'll hold you in contempt" she pointed towards Drew.

"Anyways" Williams continued " You say that Mr.Calloway never has your back, is that right?"

" Yes sir."

"How so? You mean like the time he told a girl to say you got her pregnant?"

"Yes sir. He told this female that if she did this it'll ruin my relationship and he'll pay her."

" Well did it ruin your relationship? How dis you even find out?"

"Well no it didn't, Naji actually got the girl to tell the truth and she told Missy everything. I never even knew that girl."

" So even through that you still had his back?" Williams had a face of confusion.

" Yes, I know it seems dumb but that's my family you're always suppose to stick by your blood."

"Thank you, no further question."

Williams sat down next to Isabel while Aaron stayed seated waiting for Drew's lawyer.

" Hello Mr.Sanders " She addressed him as she got up from her seat.

Hello Mrs.O'neal." Aaron said blandly.

"May I ask you a question?"

"Yes." Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Who is Mel?"

"Drew's older brother."

"What happened to him?"

" He was killed."

" I'm sorry for your loss but was it before or after that Drew moved in with you."

"After, his mom thought it was safer for him to be here." O'neal nodded her head.

"Was it safer?"

"Yeah I guess, he not dead." Aaron shrugged

"You guess? According to my client you were always the one getting into trouble. There are dozens of referrals dating back to middle school"

"Well your client is a liar. I'm always the one who had to get him out of trouble. Whether it was a fight or whatever I was always there to save the day."

"Just like the day of the party? did you come to his rescue?"

" When Missy beat his ass. Yeah."

"What about before then?"

"No, I wasn't even with him. I talked to Naji for like 5 minutes then I went in my room trying to talk to Missy the whole night"

"So you didn't know about him allegedly drugging the defendant and raping her?"

" No, I found out after but I wouldn't put it past him he's done it before."

"No further question. Mr.Sanders you may step down."

Next they called up Drew. He gave us this sob story of how hard it was growing up in New Orleans - Williams said he's trying to gain sympathy- then he spoke about moving here and how it was hard to fit in because he was s different so that caused him to act out.

His lawyer asked him some questions about the night of the party. Do you know Drew had the audacity to lie about drugging Isabel and I. He said that I wanted him from the moment I met him and I forced myself onto him which is also a lie.

His lawyer also asked how he reacted to my pregnancy. " Well at first I denied because I wasn't sure if she had any other sexual patna's but since it's mine I'll pitch in." He answered so nonchalantly.

Williams stood up and asked" Is it true that you were already aware of the DNA prior to this trial?"


"Are you sure because that child was born I was informed you were notified."

"By who?"

"By Mr.Sanders." Williams pulled out another paper. He showed to both the judge and Drew. He looked dumbfounded.

"Does this look familiar? On February 13th you were sent a picture of the DNA test which proves that Nia Taylor is one hundred percent your child."

"So? That don't prove I raped her."

"No but it does mean you lied under oath and that's against the law." Williams leaned closer to Drew.

"I've won cases with less than nothing, don't think ya ass getting off easy."

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