Scared to Go

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" I'm going to testify." I said to Missy and Que.

Ever since Missy told him about the trial he hasn't shut up about me testifying.

 He kept saying it will be a way for me to finally get closure. I'm just so scared of having to face Drew again, having to retell that night and every day that followed will be like reopening a healed wound.

I told Que about that night and the pregnancy but I never said anything about the threats I received or how Drew came to my house an offered me money for an abortion. Initially, I didn't think I could go through with this at first but I need to do this for my daughter. I love her to death but sometimes I think that if I never went to that party that this would never have happened and I don't want to think like that anymore, Nia is a blessing.

I have to prepare myself for this trial, I know Drew is going to lie his ass off to save face but at least I have Aaron on my side to set everything straight.

Missy told me that her and Aaron actually talked. Aaron apologized for everything that happened. Missy asked him what made him testify against Drew and he told her that he asked if he really raped that little girl and me then Drew went on a rant calling Aaron all kinds of names but his own and brought up the fact that he would be better for Missy because he was a "real nigga" and Aaron is a pussy. Aaron said that both Missy and I were right about the whole thing, Drew isn't who he thought.

" Missy what did Drew tell you about Aaron?"

" That Aaron doesn't deserve me, he sent me pictures of Aaron at parties with different girlsbut we weren't together so I just sent them to Aaron."

" That Drew nigga sounds so lame." Que added. We all laughed.

" I'm going with y'all when you go okay? Won't this interfere with school?" Que asked.

" I called my lawyer and I'm waiting for him to get back to me."

I love you Naji, if this is what you want to do then do it." Que leaned down and kissed my forehead.

" Thank you baby."

I don't want this to effect my daughter's childhood. I don't want her growing up wondering why her dad isn't in her life.

" But what about Nia? " I asked

" She's probably not gon' remember this, Tink. But if she asks about her Dad tell her but until then I'll be there for the both of you."

Que squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

" Que you don't have to do that, I don't want to burden you with us."

" I want to, once I made you my girl I made the decision to be in Nia's life also."

" It's annoying how cute you guys are." Missy said interrupting our moment.


" Missy the boys are coming over."

" All of them? Rante too?"


Missy ran upstairs fast as hell into her room.

Within thirty minutes she was back downstairs with her hair done braided in two cornrows, one of Que's FYB shirts and some shorts.

" How do I look?"

" Desperate." I answered and Missy rolled her eyes at me.

A few moments later the doorbell rang and I went to get it. I expected it to be the boys so I just opened it and walked back to the living room.

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