All I Know

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" Ms. Taylor after you received those messages what did you do?"

" My Dad and I went to the police station to try and press charges but it wasn't much we could do."

" What occurred after that?"

" The texts and calls got worse then his cousin Aaron came to my house to give me money for an abortion."

I remember when he came to my house begging me to get an abortion, telling me it would be a dumb idea to keep his baby.

"What did you do with the money and how much was given to you?"

" Uhm... about $500 and I never spent it I gave it back to Aaron's Dad."

"How old is your daughter?"

" She just made eight months today actually." I smiled knowing my baby is about to be a year.

" Congrats. Do you have a copy of the DNA test?"

" Yes I do." I handed him the test and he read it a loud " Please note that the documentation states that Drew Calloway is in fact the father of this child. No further questions your honor the witness may step down."

The judge banged her gavel to silence the room " court is adjurned for today. Tomorrow we will come back with the next witness."

I walked outside of the courtroom doors to where my parents and Missy were.

Once I was in arms reach my dad gave me a tight hug. " I'm proud of you kid." He smiled at me with a tear in his eye. I know it's hard for him to watch me go through all of this. When I first had Nia he was there through everything. My step dad felt like he was somehow responsible for what happened to me so he tried so hard to be a father figure for my daughter. He told me he didn't want her growing up wondering why her father isn't around.

" Thanks Dad " I pecked him lightly on the cheek.

I turned to my mom and gave her a hug too.

"Mama, Have you heard from Que?"

"No baby I haven't spoken to him on a few days. We'll call Rosie when we get back home okay."

Alright. That's fine." I hope Jacquees is okay, He made a promise to be here and I hope he doesn't break it.

I called him a few times but he didn't answer. Actually none of the boys answered...

Once we got home mama Rosie called me.

" Hey Mama, is Nia okay?"

" Well hello to you too and yes she's fine I just put her down for a nap. How is everything?"

" It's fine, just stressed y'know? Have you talked to Que. he hasn't been answering my calls"

" No baby I haven't, he was over here right before you left but that was the last time I spoke to him."

" That you Mama. Just tell him to call when you do talk to him."

" Of course.bye Naji, love you baby."

" bye Mama, love you too."

I pray that whatever he's doing is important enough for him to break a promise. I hope he's safe.

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