Answer This

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" Hey Tink, I was worrying how did you come up with the name for Nia?"

"I just wanted to name her after my dad, so I figured out a name that was similar."

" I thought you were named after your dad."

" No, I was named after his favorite Jazz singer Najee"

" I can't even imagine your dad listening to Jazz, he was such a tough dude."

" I know but my Daddy had so many different sides to him."

" You still sticking with those names you told me when we were kids."

" Yup. I guess we having four kids now."

" I can give you that right now if you want.." Que rubbed my thigh lightly and he smirked at me.

I chuckled at him " Nia is enough for right now."

Que and I were in my bed watching television with Nia sitting in between the both us playing with her toys.

" So when you go to school who's gonna watch her?" Que was pointing towards Nia.

" The daycare, I'm not staying on campus. My mama and stepdad are moving back to New York and leaving the house to Missy and  I."

" The trial not gon' affect your school shit ?"

" I talked to my lawyer and he said he'll try and get it  to work around my schedule. "

" Baby, I just want you know I'll be  there the whole way if you need me."

" Promise?"

Que leaned over the bed to kiss me. " I promise shawty."

My phone started to ring once I pulled away from Que.

I picked up my phone and answered it.

" Hello, Ms. Taylor this is your Defense Attorney Marco Williams"

" Hello, how are you?" I asked politely

" Fine, I was just calling to bring you up to date and discuss this case with you."

"Okay." I answered hesitantly not really knowing what to expect.

" So, first I would like for you to come up to NYC on the thirteenth  of September so I can prep you for your day in court. Any questions before I go any further?"

" Well yes actually,  Missy Norford and I will be starting school in about a week so will this case interfere? "

"No, I have already talked to your Advisor and he will not penalize you academically."

" Oh Thank you."

" Just remember in three weeks I need you and Ms.Norford in New York."

"Yes, I'll remember.Thank you so much and have a good night."

"You're welcome and you too Ms.Taylor."

My lawyer hung up the phone. 

I turned to Que to see him staring at me.

"Who was that?" he asked me.

"My lawyer, he said I have to be in New York in three weeks to prepare for my day in court the next day."

"So everything with school is figured out?"

"Yeah, That's all sorted."




"Naji! hurry up ! Our flight is in 30 minutes!"

Missy yelled at me from the bottom of the stairs. I was quietly panicking, Nia stayed with Mama Rosie this week while I go up to New York. I wanted to take her but I didn't want her in that kind of environment and I wasn't sure if she was old enough for a plane ride.

I felt like I was missing something even though I knew I had everything that I needed and was told to bring as evidence from my lawyer.

  I was ready to go now seeing as I had all my belongings. My lawyer told that since my story is similar to the other girl that I'm going to be testifying on her behalf against Drew. 

Mama Rosie drove us to the airport and as soon as we got there our flight was being called.

We walked to the boarding entrance and handed the woman our tickets.

As soon as we were seated on the plane Missy fell asleep.

I wish Que was here but he isn't coming until the day of the trial but I don't think I can wait that long.

When arrived in New York my stepdad came to pick us up from the airport. We got my house around 11 am and I was so tired so I decided to go to sleep. My Dad came into my old room to tell us that he'll drop us off at the court house tomorrow on his way to work.

I sent a quick text to Que to tell him that I made it here and to call me in the morning.




Mr.Williams called me the next morning and told me to meet him in front of the building.

 We all got ready and left with my Stepdad a hour later. 

We arrived in the front of the court house and I saw Williams standing on the steps talking to some woman. Missy and I walked up to both of them but when we got closer the woman gave us a dirty look then walked away.

" Who was that?" Missy asked.

" That was Mr. Calloway's lawyer, she was over here trying to work a plea."

" A plea for what? How much time are you trying to give him."

" 3 years with the eligibility for parol." 

I shrugged my shoulders and Missy mumbled " I hope he gets more."

Mr.Williams walked us into the building, It was really huge I was distracted by all the different kinds of people walking in and out. 

Williams led us into a small court room, he told me to sit in the seat next to the judges' podium and Missy to sit in the jury stand.

" now Naji I'm going to ask you a series of questions pertaining to the case and I want you to answer them as honestly as you can. Okay?"

" Okay."

" Now, how do you know the plaintiff drew Calloway?"

" We attended Highschool together."

" how well do you know him?"

"Other then what i've heard from others, I don't really know him that well but we had mutual friends and classes together."

" What about his cousin Aaron Sanders?"

"We were really close but not anymore" I answered this questions lowly. It's still kind of weird.

"  And why is that?"

" Well because I told him that Drew raped me at the party he invited me to."

"And he didn't believe you."

" No, he said I could be like all the other girls even after I said I was pregnant and called me a hoe."

" So honestly, did you and Mr.Calloway have any from of consensual sex that night?"

" No." 

" Okay no further questions." I let out a breathe that I didn't even know that I was holding.

" Ms.Taylor you did great! Now Drew's lawyer is going to ask you some very incriminating questions that may confuse and twist your words but I want you to answer as truthfully as you can. Okay?"

I smiled at Mr.Williams " Yeah, I can do that."

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