Girls Love...

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" So how long are you going to be in Miami?" i asked with a slight attitude.

" Only for a few days, I gotta finished this album and finish up this promo tour. I'll be home on friday."

I rolled my eyes at him on facetime. " You've already been gone for a month Que..."

I'm so proud of Que and all he's accomplished so far, He's been wanting this since he was ten. Sometimes I just feel like I don't get to spend any time with him. We've been together for almost for years now, I understand he's going to be busy but that comes with his lifestyle but damn I hate having to feel like I need to make an appointment to see my boyfriend.

I never really gave thought to him ever cheating on me. He has never gave me anything to ever assume that of him and I still am not but I do feel like he puts his career over us sometimes. Last year, he missed Nia's second birthday because he was in California with Chris Brown for like three months. He didn't even tell me but had the audacity to tell me it wasn't a big deal.

" I'll be home soon Naji..."

" Yeah, whatever Que. do you." I rolled my eyes for like the fifth time.

Que let out a sigh and rolled his eyes like I didn't see it.

" Naji... I love you."

" I love you too." I responded with an attitude then ended the facetime call.

Nia came running into the living room with dolls in hand.

" Mama, was that daddy?" I picked her up and placed her on my lap.

" Yes it was, Daddy said he loves and misses you." She smiled

" Is he coming home?"

" Not yet baby. He'll be here on Friday." Her smiled was gone so quickly, and that broke my heart.

" What's today mama?"

" Sunday." Nia started counting on her fingers. One thing she did get from Drew is how attentive she is, she picks up on things that most kids her age do not.

" Mama. That's seven days from now." she held up her hands to show me the number seven.

" I know but Daddy is working to get you more barbies."

" I miss him mama, he promised he be here." Nia is a daddy's girl just like I was. She started pouting and whining letting me know she was about to cry.

" No, Nia no crying today. I know you miss him, i do too but we gotta be big girls for him okay?"

" Okay, Mama." she looked at me with her lip poked out.

" How about we text Uncle Rante' and Auntie Missy to come over."

Nia scruched up her face in confusion " Mama how?"

" How what?"

" How imma text them mama, I can't read." i laughed so hard that Nia got mad at me.

" Mama its not funny."

" I'm sorry bug but it was funny." I called up Missy and she picked up right away

" Hey Naji."

" Heyy Missy. Can you and Rante come over?"

" Yeah, Rante is in Miami with Que and them but i'll be over"

I scrunched up my face. " He was here this weekend?"

" Rante, Chris, and Tevin came back up for a bit."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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