Candy Rain

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"No further questions, your honor"

Williams was done questioning me then he sat down next to Missy. 

 Drew's lawyer stood up from her seat and stood in front of me.

" Hello, Ms.Taylor I am Mrs.O'neal and i will be asking you a few questions pertaining to my client."

" Okay."

She was talking to me as if I was a little kid who didn't understand the question, I wasn't feeling this anymore.

" Ms.Taylor you say that you attended the same school as my client correct?"

I nodded my head." Yes."

" But you didn't know him all that well?" she looked at me intently like she was waiting for me to mess up.

" Yes.'

" So if you didn't know him that well how were you able to invited to a party at his home?"

" Well There were hundreds of other people that I knew there and at the time I was close friends with his cousin Aaron." i responded back with a slight attitude.

" So if you were invited by Mr.Sanders how did you end up in my client's room?"

" I-" I was interrupted by her.

"Were you drunk?" She asked

" No I--" Again she cut me off.

" Or did you have a plan when you got there." She just kept throwing questions after questions at me.

" You wanted Drew, you planned this! "

"OBJECTION!" Williams finally said something. " Baggering the witness, your Honor."

" sustained. O'neal tread lightly, Answer the question sweetheart."

I nodded my head at the judge." As I was trying to say, I don't remember how I actually got in his room. I had one drink the whole time I was there and that was the punch Drew gave me with I know had alcohol in it. all I remember is him being on top of me when I woke up."

"So you weren't drunk?" She seemed unsure of herself now and I was getting annoyed.

" Did you not just here what I said! I had ONE drink the whole time I was there and your client gave it to me."

"No further Questions." O'neal sat down and starting talking to Drew about something she looked like she was yelling at him.

Williams got up again. "Ms.Taylor what news did you find out a few weeks after the party?"

' I- I found out that i was pregnant."

" And you were sure it was Drew's baby and not one of your other partners?"

I looked at him like he was crazy but I answered anyway. " Yes, I was a virgin before that night."

" So did you notify him?'

" Yes, sir as soon as I found out."

"So what did he say to you?"

Even though we practiced this and I had said it so many times over the past year it's still hard.

"He said for me to get rid of it, Why raise a baby wit' a ho' for a momma." I said it trying to imitate Drew's accent, staring him dead in the face.

How can a man just disrespect and dismiss his own child.

Drew is not a man, he is a little boy.

"Did you get the abortion?"

"No, I kept her even after all the threats I had my daughter."

" Threats? Like these kinds of threats?" Williams pulled out a several pieces of paper with my text messages from Drew on them.

"It says 'll kill you and that fucking baby if you keep telling people I raped you'

So what if you ain't want it, everyone thinks you a lyin' ass ho'

'ain't nobody gone' believe yo' ass anyway

I just put my head down remembering all the bad things he said and did to me throughout that year....

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