Chapter 7: Acceptance

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I walked across the grounds towards the dishevelled hut and saw the small group of fellow seventh years that I take this class with. As someone noticed I was coming, I heard a few whispers and soon they were all looking at me apprehensively.

"What?!" I snapped at them. Making a few turn away quickly. I smiled at Hagrid. "Sorry I'm late Professor. I had to get breakfast. I missed it this morning, as most people know..."

"Tha's quite aw'right Miss Baxter. Now class, Get yer books op'n to page 105. An' follow me. We're gonna be working on Clabberts today. Interesting creatures Clabberts are..."


That evening. Hermione was sat on my bed whilst we were looking through my school bag, checking my homework and generally tidying my possessions. Ginny, Rebecca and Emily were already asleep. There were bits of parchment and other odd things scattered around us.

"Jesus Christ Amy! How much stuff can you fit in this bag?"

"Apparently a lot." I said. Grinning.

"So..." Hermione started a conversation whilst we worked. "I think you fully scared everyone into not saying anything with your outburst this morning." I looked up at her through my eyelashes as I was straightening my old homework's up, and frowned.

"Oh please Hermione. It has nothing to do with me. It was Dumbledore."

"Yeah. Probably. Did he speak to you two?"

"Yes." I replied, quickly deciding to not keep anything from her. "He asked if they were true."

"And you obviously said no with as much drama as you could muster." I laughed at her comment.

"Yep. Pretty much. Something he said confused me though. He said that he thought I was lying. Snape was gonna say something then but Dumbledore finished with 'to herself'. I mean... He thinks me and Snape are not... I dunno. It was weird." I finished. Shrugging.

"You mean even Dumbledore thinks that you have feelings for each other?" Hermione asked with raised eyebrows.


"Hmm..." She said. Looking thoughtful.

"What?" I questioned.

"Do you? Be honest."

"Do I what?" I asked.

"Amelia. Do you like him?"

"Well... I mean obviously. We're friends now."

"That's not what I mean and you know it. Tell me the truth Amy. And think about it." I did start thinking, as Hermione started rooting through some more of the now much smaller pile of papers on my bed. Did I have feelings for Professor Snape? Or Severus... As he wants me to call him. I smiled gently. And immediately felt myself blush. I looked at Hermione, expecting to see her looking at me with raised eyebrows again, but was surprised to see she was looking at a slightly crumpled piece of parchment in her hands.

"Earth to Hermione?" I said. She looked up at me and grinned.

"Amy. As many times as you want to deny it. It is quite clear you do at least like him!" She said brightly as she showed me what was in her hands. It was the picture I had drawn of Snape the other day.

I blushed again slightly and shrugged. "You know I love drawing. This proves nothing." She cocked her head to the side and looked at me with sad eyes. She handed me back the picture and carried on clearing up what was left.

"Amy." She said when she was finished. "Dumbledore is never wrong." I looked at her serious expression and knew that I couldn't deny what my best friend saw. She could read me like a book. And she was right, Dumbledore is never wrong. I sighed and looked again at the picture I had been holding in my hand the whole time. I looked up at Hermione again and felt annoyed at the confusion my own mind was causing me. I thought about how I felt happy with the Potions Master. How he genuinely wanted me to help him. How I shivered when his fingers had just skimmed my neck. How I felt safe with him. Tears pricked at my eyes as realization dawned on me. Hermione touched my arm gently and leaned over to hug me.

"Told you." She whispered in my ear, before kissing my cheek and ducking under the curtains towards her own bed. I stayed sat up but put my light out. Eventually I heard Hermione fall to sleep and slowly got out of bed towards the large bay window. Climbing onto it, I rested on the cushions that we had put there and looked towards the Forbidden Forest. The darkness swirled with hidden secrets and I watched as the surface of the Black Lake rippled occasionally. I clutched the picture in my hand closer to me and swore at myself for being so stupid. How could I have developed feelings for my teacher? And more importantly... What would he do if he found out? He would hate me. Well, at least I think he would. I put my head in my hands and wondered what to do.

By the time I was back in bed I had made a pact to myself to go see Minerva in the morning. She wouldn't judge me. And I haven't seen her for a while outside of Transfiguration. She would know what to do. But in the meantime... I would hide this from everyone. Especially Severus.


"Amelia!" Minerva exclaimed the next day, as she opened her door to me at 7:00am. "It's a little early for you my dear. Is everything okay?"

"Er..." I said, glancing nervously around. Breakfast had just started, so a few students were already making their way down. Minerva caught the look.

"Come inside dear. I'll make some tea."

We sat at Minerva's desk, sipping tea and eating the breakfast that she had called up so we could talk.

"So then Amelia. What can I do for you?" I slowly put my cup down back on the table and sat up straight.

"I have a bit of a problem." I started, earning raised eyebrows from my confidant.

"Oh?" She asked. "What sort of problem?"

"Well... Oh Minerva. I... Er, have maybe started falling for someone. But it's someone I cannot even attempt to pursue. I don't know what to do." I looked at her with pleading eyes as she sat back in her chair, apparently taking the information in.

"Well dear. We all like to be star-crossed in love every now and then. But tell me. Who is the lucky person who has secured your affections?"

I sighed. "The person is the problem." She furrowed her eyebrows in response.

"It may or may not be Snape." I said sheepishly, quickly picking up my tea again and using the cup to mask my eyes as I drank. Minerva looked surprised, before a smile slowly crept onto her features. I looked up nervously at the unexpected reaction.

"My my. What an interesting scenario. Albus will be pleased. But Amelia... Do you know whether he reciprocates your feelings?"

"No. I don't. But I would assume not. And what do you mean Dumbledore will be pleased?" She chuckled to herself before answering.

"Dumbledore has been watching you two for a short while. And he has informed me of his belief that you defiantly hold very high regard for each other."

"You mean he would encourage a relationship between us?" I asked incredulously.

"He's not supposed to. But I feel that your early years were spent alone, and with nobody whom you felt close to. You deserve someone who makes you genuinely happy. As does Severus. And you will be graduating in a few months' time anyway. There is not so much scandalous as there is good in this situation." I smiled at the woman in front of me. Always the best one for advice. "Will you tell him how you feel?" She asked.

"No." I said quickly. "Not yet at least. I want to help him first and besides... I can't let there be any foundations to any more rumours."

"Very well Amelia. If that is all, I need to prepare for my class. You are a sensible woman. A little headstrong perhaps... But intelligent none-the-less. You will know what to do."

I said a quick goodbye and thank you. And headed to the library for my double free lesson.

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