27. "Capture The Harley?"

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Ivy's P.O.V

"Is there really any need?" I sighed, watching one of the dapper boy birds pull apart every scale of CCTV surrounding the cave, watching for movement that could be Harley.

The oldest, with a criss-cross of navy down his front, turned around to face me with a reply "Of course, we need to find out where she is, our best interest is that she is safe and planning nothing dangerous."

Selina jumped from her seat "She isn't a danger!" Her nail-like claws dug into the front of the table where she stormed to, growling - not purring.

"Careful Sel, we don't want another kitty rampage." I paused "Actually, do you think think that damned Joker is involved with Harley mysteriously vanishing?"

"Unless she'd run back to love him - which is more than likely - I don't see any reason that we can brush that off the table." A more calm Selina replied, noticing her claws had left subtle marks on the table.

Somehow, Batman's deep voice still startled us as he said "Another idea is that we separate, either we," he gestured to his colourful birds "look for her as a team and so do they," then pointed towards us, a green skinned plant and a twitching cat "so no one suspects any anti hero doings."

"You wanna test that? Surely you don't trust these nut - " Little bird boy was silenced by a growl and raised eyebrow from Selina.
"Well, it is simply better than the three of you tearing CCTV footage apart, it's completely fuzzy and hours behind." I stated, crossing my arms with emerald vines folding around them, empowering my little statement.

"So that's what we do? Team search for capture the Quinn?" Nightwing was beginning to hook his weapons on as Batman informed us of the most likely locations of where Harley would be. Like he'd know!

"Listen bats, I think me and green can identify the whereabouts of our friend, we do seem to know her just that well." Selina drawled in a sultry voice which seemed to agree with Batman and shut him up.

As the three heroes suited up, concealed their eyes with dark masks and literally shot of the secret cave with whatever gadget required, it was safe to say that Sel and I were a little, unequipped.
"How about we make use of some of these," I touched the edge of a bat-shaped boomerang "things."
Selina, understanding every word and leapt towards every gadget that lit up and screamed at her 'pick me, pick me!'.
"Mhmm, these things have dust of them and haven't even seen the light of day," she nodded towards me "yet."

As we finished robbing the batcave of the lubriciously expensive weapons stored beneath ground, we found our own exit - after I coerced Selina to not use the zip wire out of here.
"So where do we start?" Selina asked me, even though I knew my dear Harley inside out, when asked where she'd run to, I felt like I didn't know her at all.
"I want to say the old flat but it seems a bit obvious," I truthfully said as Selina spoke her thoughts "Almost too obvious? Right, it's Harley not Einstein. She'd expect us to waltz over to clown face and we'd probably walk into a trap."
I agreed, after all, the effect the Joker had on Harley nearly consumed her to suffocation. She'd barely find surface with him as she was walked all over and even though I'd say I could stand up to him, sometimes I struggled the breathe in his toxic environment.
"So the flat?" Selina seemed to agree with herself before I did, walking in the direction of our home, miles away.
I simply nodded and strode behind her, making sure not to stomp on unruly plants growing out of cracks in the pavement. I avoided the cracks also, in case of bad luck...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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