5. You Left Me Here With These...

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Harley's P.O.V.

"Argh!" I groaned as I was kicked in the stomach by Harvey and my hands were secured behind my back, thanks to Bats...

"Harley!" I heard to familiar voices chorus as feet hurriedly tapping on the ground, running towards me.

"Oh Hi...the two people that left me with these!" I said eyeing the Hero's and Harvey.

"Oh yeah..sorry 'bout that, you did a good job holding them off for this long!" Ivy said looking round at the four men.

"Hey? Was that an insult?" I said trying to work it out in my head, as I heard the click of handcuffs Bats crammed on my wrists. He started to walk towards Ivy and Sel, as the other sidekicks or whatever did and Harvey just kinda stood there, slowly reaching for a bag, signalling his men it was time to exit or whatever...exit?

"Hey Bats? I think ugly over here is tryin' maka runner." I said my head gesturing to Harvey, who was now steps away from the door, along with four or five henchmen.

Batman suddenly sprinted over to them and in the blink-on-an-eye, all of them were tied up, with no escape.

"Your welcome." I clicked my tounge as Bats walked past back to...No Ivy or Sel? Hah, of course, they were right behind, Mawh!

Undoing my handcuffs that was.

The cuffs fell to the ground as me, Ivy and Sel jumped into action, attacking -erm- our attackers...yes.

Selina was facing B-man, swinging a punch every second, and he was blocking them so, i guess he was winning, but Selina never gave up easily.

That left me and Ivy with the birdboys.

"Great!" I said throwing my free arms up in the air.

"Piece of cake!" Ivy said snapping her fingers, walking towards the short boy, with more red and colour. It was the Robbie one. Robin! Yes, he had a little 'R' on his shirt.

"Well, guess that leaves me and you, Princess." I said facing Nightwing, joyness!

He kinda looked over at Robin, who was now tackling Ivy and I totally understand, because if Ivy was attacking someone i cared about, then i would of stared.

"Okay, Okay enough with the view!" I said clapping my hands like a seal, stepping towards Blueboy. I think I might try something less...violent.

"Hiiiiiiiii there Blueboy." I fluttered my eyelashes peering up at him (Considering that hes taller than me by like...something.), and he wasn't buying it.

"Harley? Do you have something in your eye?" he said sarcastically, which to my humiliation. I decided to take it further.

Ew, just thinking 'bout it.

"You have pretty blue eyes, blueboy." I said leaning on him looking at his eyes, though technically I couldn't see them, since there were lense thingys on his mask.

"You cant see my eyes." he said trying to back away from me. Hella no.

"Mhmm." I murmured wrapping my arms round his neck.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"Oh, you know..." I smiled flirtatiously "Strangling you."

I tried to anyway. Hehe.

He pulled both my arms, but i flipped over and landed on my feet (Selina gave me a few tips) and punched his shoulder, then i tried to punch again but he kept blocking,them all! Gosh.

"Hey, your not allowed to Punch women." I said aiming my fist at him

"Who says your a woman?" he sarcastically said taking hold of my fist,

"Me!" I said struggling to get my fist back

"Says the girl in the clown costume"

"Meanie." I said punching him with my other set of knuckles

"Harley!" Ivy called from the other side of the room, I looked round and saw her and Robin fighting,but she was pointing to Harvey.

Oh God.

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