22. No Fair & No Fun

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Harley's P.O.V

"Eh, Mista J, I think we have visitors." I said biting my lip. Joker clenched his fists and raised one hand to slap me across the face.


"You stupid girl!" he yelled "You must've led them back here!"

"Well, jees," I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Don't just stand there!" he said shoving me through a door "Stall them! I am busy, stall!"

And the door slammed in my face.


This isn't going to go down very well.

Like at all.

Why do I have to stop them, I came back becuase I love him. I don't care what I said, everybody lies. Guess I've got to fight B-man and the birds. I wonder if the girls came? What if they hate me? I'm sure they won't, they can't, like, they must understand what love is? Maybe Selina, not to sure about Ivy...

I hopped up onto the pile of bricks under the window so I could peer out and see anything.

Tip-toeing on the bricks, I noticed two figures storming their way towards the building. Crap.

Selina and Ivy.

Of course, they probably brought the rest, I'm guessing. I need to get them away before anything happens. I ducked under the window and headed towards the staircase which led to another window, a window which led to a fire escape, bascially our exit to the building.

Before I reached the stairs, a silm black boot stepped before me. Then another and then a pair of green stilettos covered in vines.

So they noticed the gap in the wall.

"Hey ladies!" I said plopping down on a concrete slab.

"Harley? What are you doing here?" Ivy asked calmly as Selina was hot on her heels.

"I'm...with - "

"Yes, yes we know! The Joker!" Selina burst "Which you said you hated, you loathed! But what do you do? You run straight back to him with open arms!"

Open mouthed, I stood up warily, ready to defend.

"Selina, you know - I can't leave - you should - "

"Harley, I don't understand you anymore, you choose that physopath, over us?" she said angrily flinging a crowbar about.

I huffed, they don't understand, they never will. They don't know what true love is...

"Harley! Are you still dealing with those pests?" Joker yelled from the other room, I turned towards the voice as Selina put a crowbar infront of me.

"Harley, I swear to god if you go back with him there is no us anymore," she nodded to Ivy and then looked back at me "you choose, that unfaithful loser who runs around town making you the butt of the joke, or us, your friends, the ones that actually worry about you and come to find you."

I glared at her "Real friends wouldn't make me choose," I stepped over some rubble "but I will," I headed towards the door "I choose him."

Ivy froze "Harley - "

I walked through the door, they didn't follow. Suddenly a figure appeared infront of me, dark and mysterious.

"Bats, aha," I said, he's found me now, thanks to them.

He swung a fist at me as it caught me on the mouth, I tripped and fell back "At least take me out to dinner first," I spun around and caught his ankle. He made a 'thud' on floor.

"Ha,ha." I giggled "In your face batsy."

Two more of the birds appeared, oh that's not fair.

"Awh," I said leaping up and kicking Robin. "It's like, five against - "

Punched in the jaw, thanks.

"Oh, that was rude," I said touching my cheek which was bleeding. I hit little Robin in the face as I spun round to bash the other one "I have to fight you all over again, unfair!"

"Don't fight then, just leave this - " Nightwing looked around " - dump."

I held up my hands puzzled "Why are you all so rude!"

I hit him in the chest, but I didn't make contact as he grabbed my fist.

"Let - " I struggled away " - go - "

He ended up handcuffing me, alright fine. Batman had wandered else where to find Joker, I think the little bird was with Selina and Ivy.

They were all tackling it out in there while Nightwing dragged me, unwillingly, to where he and bats had their bikes, etc.

"These hurt..." I said trying to break free of the handcuffs. He ignored me, lovely.

"Can't we go fight..." I nodded lazily towards the building "...with everyone else..."


"Urgh. You're no fun."

I wanna know what's happening, where everyone is, who's dead and who's winning. Can't they just leave me alone...

"Come on," Nightwing said.

"What?" I said twisting the handcuffs.

"We're going to Arkham."

"Awh," I said sadly  "We're gonna miss all the action..."


Gotham Girls (ongoing editing) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن