6. I'm A Sarcastic Cat

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Selina's P.O.V.

Harley shouted over to me "Kitty-claws!" I turned to face her, as she merely pointed in Harvey's direction. Crap.

Batman followed my gaze, and sprinted over to the oily burnt body that fingered some short of rectangular device. Crap again.

I dashed over to Ivy, helping her fight off lil' Reddie.

"You seriously won't let me do this alone will you?" She said receiving a kick,in the stomach sending her onto the ground.

"Well no, you'd probably kill the boy." I said facing Robin, as he swung his foot at my ankle, but I hopped over it like jump rope.

"Leave him to me, go do something useful!" she said ready for round two with Robin

..or three or four.

"Fine" I said throwing my arms in the air, turning on my heels, heading for Bats.

Harvey and Batman were fighting.

More like quarreling actually.

"You cannot blow up this building!"

"What's gonna st'op me?"

"I will, if you even dare!"

"Dare all you want Bats, because this bank is going boom!"

And that was the few sentence argument of Batman and Two-face.

Right before he (Harvey,obvisuoily) pressed the big-red-button (actually it was a mid greyish colour, but I'm making this more thrilling!) on the rectangular remote he was holding above his head. And then everything went smoothly...hella no.

"Down!" Batman 'signalled' to his 'Birds'.

I saw Redboy duck into a small ball, Ivy probably freaked and copied.

Yeah, she did, now that i can see.

Harley and Nightwing were..oh look at that, Harley's tryin' to strangle him.

Well sucks to them.

Nah, I'm kiddin'...

They got down in time.

Which justs leaves me.

And Bats.

And Harvey.

And a dozen henchmen to be pacific.

"Duck" Bats said to me, hauling me to the ground as a bomb exploded in the ground, close to...Well, Harley, but Nightwing pulled her away.

Well at least that's over.

Oh look.




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