21. Rubble, rubble

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Ivy's P.O.V

We're coming Harls!

Hang on if your not dead already!

We, ahem, Sel, bird one and two, are heading towards the building that Joker his warehouse, hah, please, it's like a shed in a hurricane.

Sel's almost in tears, besides muttering threats under her breath every minute she's also looking forward to ripping Jokers lungs out.

And I'm not going back to the nuthouse! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm going to best Joker to a pulp, but I'm not going back there and neither is Sel, by the looks of it.

Seriously, I'd call her firelight if it wasn't for her already full lists of nicknames; Sel, Kitty, Diamond, etc...

She's flaming, you can see it, a bit paranoid too. She probably is blaming herself, I mean, we both are, what kind of friend doesn't see the fact that the other is bruised and bloody.

Oh, by the way, we're currently a few hundred yards away from this hideout place, according the beep-y thing on the front of vehicle.

I heard a screech of brakes and a clip-clop of high heels, Sel was stamping her way to the entrance of the hideout. It was hideous, half the wall was missing for a start, except for a poster with Batman on it entitled 'Blow his brains out!' which included a messy illustration of a shotgun pointing the Batman's head and a splatter of brains and blood. Nice.

Apart from the fact that the decor sucks, it stank, it was wasteland practically. Lucky for us, no goons were hanging around - actually, one is currently hanging from the second floor...nice.

"We ought to slow down - calm down," Little bird said directly to Sel as she was pacing, looking for any trace of Harley.

"Well, unfortunately for you, plans don't work out very well for me," Sel stated picking up an abandoned crowbar "Us, ladies, like to take things into our own hands and just do it."

I smirked "True, but it would help a little if you would stop brandishing that crowbar around, you're going to attract attention."

She scrunched her nose up and lowered the weapon, then hastily headed towards the gap in the wall.

I turned on my heels to see the big superheroes, pouting like a child I stammered "Aren't you going to stop her?"

Batman gave an almost sympathetic look then said "She can do what she wants, if that includes having her brains blown out."

So he saw the poster,



I quickly caught up with Sel as Batman and Co, did their usual, hide in the shadows and attack out of nowhere sequence.

"He's gonna pay!" Sel said struggling over the bricks that were lying as rubble at the wall.

"Yes, but, don't get yourself injured will you," I said checking for my choking plants that I kept hidden in my clothes.

"How did you not get them taken off you?" Sel said looking shocked as I pulled a strangling vine from my costume.

"Tictacs, dear." I said wrapping one around my wrist, no, they don't hurt Mother (FYI, me).

"Right," She said looking around at the rundown property.

"Why would Harley come running back to this place every so often?" I asked dodging a falling floorboard.

"Dunno, she's mad for Joker." Sel sighed.

"Don't get me wrong, I love her, but - "

"Yes, I know, she's slightly insane - "

"I was going to say mad - "

" - in a corruptible sort of way - "

" - in a cute five-year old way - "

That ended the conversation on a happy note, Sel kicked some rubble out the way and unzipping the top of her costume.

"Sel? - "

She pulled out a knife from a strap inside her costume, nice hiding place, bit weird.

"Let's go find ourself a physopath," Sel stated hands on hips.

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