19. No,No,No!

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Harley's P.O.V

"No, no, no, nope!" I said sleekly to Bats disappointment.

I didn't promise I'd give it to them, did I?

Time flies when you're flying. Literally. I swung through the Batcave on some poles and pieces. I backflipped onto an edge and stood leaning over the bar.

"Ha, ha!" I mocked them, not the girls, just the guys.

I don't see the big deal with what they want anyway, it won't bring them any closer to Joker or Scarecrow, it will just hurt someone...mentally.

Well if I use it,that is.

Brhh, is it cold in here? I turn behind me ignoring the - what I call begs and pleads - shouting at me. There was a vent, a small vent. It wasn't one of those ventilation system vents, it was the kind that led to air, open air. And where there's open air, there's open cities!

I scrambled up to the vent and crawled through.

AIR. Air!

Yeah I know, there's air everywhere, but get this, FREE AIR, NON BATCAVE OR PRISON AIR OR TOXIC.

I wondered through the streets, I could possibly remember where it is. It should be around her somewhere. Aha. Cuckoo!

I wonder how happy they will be to see me. After all I've got what he wants.

I stepped into the dark room, which was located underground. You just had to go through a passage in a wall then down a few steps, not that complex expect the fact it's pitch black.

"Who's that?" growled a familiar voice.

  I stepped forward passing every bit of dirt, dust and most of all memories..

I pulled my top down a little and puffed my hair up finished by batting eyelashes.

"Oh puddin'."

I know, I know plot twist.

So yes this is late but I've even updating like mad in the last fortnight with all my books. Also who likes Harry Potter? Who wants to see a fanfic? Comment yes xx

TT ~ XoX

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