16. Blondie

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Harley's P.O.V.

"Where to?" Nightwing asked, ugh why does he have to come. Why don't they just let me go by myself? Do they not trust me? Of course they don't.

"Like im telling you." I said as we were both waiting for me to tell him where the flat was, as he was driving. I said i'd drive, but, you know, the 'trust' issues.

"We'll just wait here all day then." he said, well i obviously wasn't going to win.

"Fine." I sighed "Mainstreet."

I'm not that stupid, I'll tell him where to go (By the way, Mainstreet is a block away from the flat) and then I'll go to the flat, get what i need the leave! And yes, I am going to give them the thing Joker wants. I want him to suffer as much as possible.

"Lets go then" he said hopping onto the bike, ugh travel. I then also got on behind him, holding onto the back of the bike and let me tell you this isn't exactly fun.

"So what is this thing Joker wants?" He asked heading into Gotham, I turned my head to see where the Cave thing was and all i could see was alot of rock and a waterfall. A waterfall?

"The thing Joker wants is the thing he wants." I said confusingly.

"Okay then." he said making a sharp turn into Mainstreet (not a street, an alley. Don't even ask why its called that) which made me grab onto him.

"Scared?" I could tell he was smirking.







Ok, no one calls me selfish. Because 1) I am not! 2) I am not! 3) I am not!

"What makes you say that?"

"The fact that you don't care about anyone."

"I care about Catwoman and Ivy." I Said, careful not to reveal identity.

"Yes, but not the city or the citizens."

"...Batman's okay..I mean he got me medical stuff.." I said being honest.

"I'm not Batman."


"You said, Batman got you medical attention."

"He did."

"I did."


"I carried you from that room."

"I still don't care about you." I said realising i was unconscious at the time.

"We're here." He said when we came to a halt at Mainstreet.

"Finally!" I said getting off and heading home.

"Slow down Blondie." Really that nickname?

"What." I said turning around

"I'm here to keep watch on you, so no running off."

"Well, I need to go get the thing. And I really don't appreciate you knowing where i live so Adios!"

"Fine, You have two minutes before i come looking for you."

Well I'll just have to run then i thought as i turned the corner, then sprinted down the block heading home.

Oh my god.


Not fun.

Plus i was way past two minutes now. Oh well!

I climbed up the fire escape and crawled into the window, we should probably get locks but I doubt any of us know how to fix it on to the latch. I headed into my room and pulled out the drawers from my Chester draws. I flung stuff all over my room desperate to find it, that included shoes, scrapbooks, photos, aha found it! The box.


I dived into the box, fishing out what i needed then threw it back into the draw, leaving the rest of my stuff on the ground. I can clear it up later.

"This is cute." Someone said behind as i turned round, shocked to see Nightwing sitting on my bed flicking through my scrapbook. How did he get in?...

"Oh my god, give that to me." I reached out to grab the book as he held it up high, out of my reach anyway.

"Ah, ah, ah." He chuckled.

"Idiot." I huffed still reaching for it "Give it." I tripped on one of my shoes that i left on the floor and i ended up sprawled across his lap.

"Ivy's twenty fifth birthday." he said not taking any notice that i was casually laying across his lap.

"Yes, the day Ivy turned twenty five." I said sarcastically as he continued flicking through the scrapbook.

"Your eighteenth. Your eighteen?" He asked

"Yes, yes i am eighteen. Now can you give that back so i can burn it."

"Your pretty young. Aren't you?"

"Your pretty annoying."

"I know." he smirked standing up, which meant that i rolled off him and fell on the floor.

"Ow." I said as he offered me a hand up which i took...my revenge, i pulled him down next to me.

"Wasn't expecting that."

"I wasn't expecting you to follow me here either."

"I was told to keep watch on you."

"You didn't have to do it."

"I didn't have to run a block either but I did."

"Oh yeah, well. For protection and security reasons I didn't want you to know where I live."

"Uh hu. And I'm guessing you don't live here alone."

"Well, my lips are sealed Mr. Wing."

"For once."

"Hey!" I said lightly punching his shoulder, though he grabbed my wrist, preventing me from doing small harm, I tried attacking again to which he just laughed at, and tugged my wrist which he now had hold of as I rolled onto him laughing.

And that is how me and Batman's sidekick ended up laughing on the floor with me ontop of him in my room. That doesn't sound too promising.

"Right, Lets go Blondie." He said as we both stood up.

"Okay dokey Princess." i smirked heading out of the room onto the fire escape.

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