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Oh I have one for you. So what are your views of homosexuality. Do you think its wrong? Does it matter who someone chooses to love? I personally support homosexuality and see nothing wrong with it.

I have to agree. I do support homosexuality. I believe people can love whomever they choose and express themselves however they choose as well. I'm not a person who believes that it's entirely wrong and is a ticket to hell and all those other things. It was about time they legalized gay marriage. Why not?? Let them love people of the same sex. There's way bigger issues in our society, world, community, allat than gay marriage. 

And let me not get started on these fraud ass hotep niggas who supports lesbians...but don't support two gay men loving each other. Who sees ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with their daughter coming out as a lesbian but would kick their sons out (one dude even said he would kill his son) or disown them if they came out to be gay.

How Sway? How in the blue fuck? You can't support one but not the others. That shit is ass backwards and I'm not here for it. 

But in conclusion, LOVE WHOEVER YOU WANT. 

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