Older Guys

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Hey Kimi! Love your work. My topic is older boys. Is it ok? Any specific "need to know" information. Just advice in general

Tbh, it depends. I mean, my ex was older but only by a year so it wasn't even that much of a big deal. But it does depend on how old you are and the actual age difference. 

Some states have an age of consent, so do your research on that as well considering the age of guys you're going after. My state's age of consent is 16, I'm 16, finna get a sugardaddy.

Lol jk. You definitely have to be careful when it comes to older guys. A lot of them only want sex (unless you're fine with that which is okay to) and want to trick you. A lot of them like to manipulate young girls and just tear them down. They feel like because they're older that they know every goddamn thing and you're just a fucking airhead. 

I do kinda have a thing for older guys. I don't like guys younger than me. Idek why so I feel your struggle. You need to know the type of guy you're dealing with, but that's everyone bc there's snakes everywhere. And most guys ain't shit anyway

If you're really determined, go after it then. But don't be thirsty. I mean, some relationships can work out. My maternal grandparents were 10 years apart and they did fine. Anything is possible. BUT JUST BE CAREFUL AND DO YOUR RESEARCH ABOUT AGE OF CONSENT. 

Don't be getting niggas locked up. Don't be a jailbait. 

That's all. Comment how you feel about that. What's your position on this situation? Send in more submissions. 

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