Racist Ppl 2.0

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I know I haven't updated this in a while and no one will probably read this, but this book will be ending VERY soon. Thanks :)

I need advice on going back to school with non woke or racist mutual white friends a white school. Remember the white boy who like to say the n word? Well he is still going to my school and will most likely be in my classes. The only reason I am worried about this is because we have mutual friends, and no one else really knows about it except my close friend Connie. There is also another girl that is head over heels for Austin, and she doesn't see why I won't hang out with him anymore. How do you deal with with low key racist mutual friends when going back to school? Thx in advance and keep slaying ily

Honestly, if this is such a problem and ppl can't respect how you feel, FUCK EM. It shouldn't be that hard to see wtf the problem is. If it's causing all this stress just to be his friend, let that shit go. Fr.

And honestly I wouldn't even let that shit bother me. With my personality, I am quick to cut somebody off in a second and just focus on my work and all the important shit. 

But I don't want you to not have friends. Continue hanging out with the few friends you do have that actually respect the fact that racist shit is not cool. As for everybody else, 


So yeah, I think that's about it. How was that advice? If it were you, would you do? Share below. 

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