He Manipulated Me

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I will be entering my book "The Blacker the Berry" into the Wattys2016, so if you haven't read it, please do. Also, my new story "Battered and Betrayed" is already posted so please read that one too. This next submission is long, so take your time and read it. 

So this year was my first year in high school as a freshman so I was new to the highschool scene and everything and I started to like this senior, R. So my friend told him I liked him and we started talking/texting and when some of my friends found out I was talking to him they told me to cut it off bc he was a fuckboy and that he just wanted sex. But I was too into him at the time to listen bc he seemed different to me so I spent my whole Christmas break texting him. Then when school started again he used to walk me to class and stuff like that. And he was my first kiss so I actually began to catch some serious feelings at that point. Like on my birthday he had given me a gift and everything. So then I had gotten my phone taken so we didn't talk as much as we used except for when we saw each other in class and around school. So one of the last times we were intimate together was during theater class in the auditorium (we were just kissing and stuff). So later that day my friend said why was talking to him for almost 6 months and he hasn't even asked me out yet and that got me thinking and I got upset thinking about it. So even later that same day I was on Twitter and I saw that he was liking and retweeting all of his "best friends" pictures bc we follow each other. So I decided to lurk on his page and I saw that they started going that day. So I was pretty heartbroken bc he led me on like I was the only one then the same day date his best friend. Like this happened really recently too but I guess I'm over it now and it feels good to let it out. So I was wondering what do you think about how this all turned out and should I have expected it?

See, this is the same shit I was talking about. You should have read my "Seniors Dating Freshmen?!" chapter  in my rant book "Talking Spit" I already discussed this bc I have seen this. I was hoping no one would fall victim to this, but clearly, I was wrong

I always, always, always, ALWAYS thought that seniors dating freshmen was disgusting. They take advantage of you. He took advantage of you. He kinda got what he wanted, led you on, entertained you for some time and then played you and wasted your time. They ALWAYS manipulate young girls. Always. It's easy and convenient for them to prey on younger girls. 

You definitely should have expected it. You should have seen the red flags the first time he approached you. You should have listened to your friends. No offense, but that boy really wasn't into you. He was only focused on spending that last year in high school and then graduating. Fuck him, but still. 

He was your first kiss,okay. I hope you didn't have sex with him. I really hope you didn't. Bc girl, if you did...yikes.  It don't matter how much you liked him, you shouldn't sacrifice your cooch like that. 

So yeah, long story short, you should've expected it. It sucks what happened to you, but it kinda could have been avoided. Next time just take better precautions and not brush ppl off. You don't always have to listen to everything they say, but take an account to what they tell you. ESPECIALLY IF THEY SAY HE'S A FUCKBOY BC 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 HE IS. Always be aware. That's all. 

Send in more submissions guys. 

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