All About Confidence

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Y'all...we need to have a talk. I've been receiving messages about girls with low esteem and is in need of confidence. We need to have a serious talk so y'all need to LISTEN UP! Refer this chapter to anybody in need of this.

I was also thinking about soon creating videos on my YouTube channel that will discuss how to gain and maintain your confidence. I plan to make some new videos this week so check me out and subscribe. (Kween Kimi)

Now,for a quick disclaimer, I am still young and I still have a long way to go to having tons and tons of confidence. Don't get me wrong I have confidence in myself and my abilities. In my opinion, confidence is something that will also improve with time. But I've been through so much so I know what I'm talking about.

The first step I took to gaining my confidence was self evaluation. Self evaluation is the biggest step because how are you going to be confident if you don't know about yourself.

Look at yourself in the mirror, happy or sad, flaws and all. Get familiar with your natural features. This is what makes you, you. Look at yourself and be like, "damn, I'm really alive. Like I'm really in this bitch."

The next step is feeling good. Find things that you enjoy that puts you in a good mood. Bad moods mixed with fucked up emotions? That's deadly. Be happy. Or if you don't have an escape hobby, think of things that could make you happy. Like big plans in your future or getting dicked down by your mans.

Next, you gotta look good. For me, a hairstyle change is always the key. New hair, who dis? But seriously it'll help and could make you look like a completely different person. A wardrobe change helps as well. Putting on a freakum dress will have you STUNTING! Y'all need to get into it.

Optimism and positive peptalks helps dramatically too. Telling yourself how wonderful you are and that you're going to handle each day and obstacle like a true boss is essential.

You can have as many other ppl tell you how pretty or great you are, you have to believe it on your own. You can NOT rely on other peoples' word for your validation. Always remember that the same way you live off of peoples' validation is how you'll die by it.

When ppl tell you that you're pretty, you'll believe it and live off it. But the MINUTE you receive criticism, even by unpopular votes, you'll break down. Your self esteem will be shattered. You see how that works?

That's why y'all don't need to be worried about why these guys won't talk to you. I understand the struggle bc dudes don't be checking for me either. But, I know my worth and I know that I can be intimidating. I'm beautiful, smart and non-gullible. I am assertive and take no bullshit. Ppl know that in order to approach me, you need to have your shit together.

I gotta watch my back 'cuz I'm not just anybody. And that's the tea. ☕️

To all the ladies and gents out there that deal with this, hopefully someone mature and worthy will step up to the plate and treat us like the queens we are. If not, fuck em. I'd rather be alone that to be dealing with hella bullshit.

Hopefully this chapter has helped awaken y'all. If I missed something, put it in the comments. If you need further help, don't be afraid to dm me. If you want my other social medias, I posted it on previous chapters so check it out.

Peace out niccas. ✌🏽

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