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The highly awaited and requested topic is finally here. Sit in enjoy. Also, this chapter might be long asf and/or broken into two parts. If I do a part two, that chapter will be posted later on this week.

Also, can you guys read my story "From the Soul"? It's pretty good. Just read it and tell me what you think of it. 

Fuckboys. I can't stand them. No one can. I wish they would die. They are the devil I swear. They disguise themselves as "good guys" and end up being complete assholes. 

I have personally been victimized by a fuckboy. Anybody else? Well that little incident is what motivated me to even do this chapter in the first place. 

As you guys may or may not know, I was in a relationship. "Relationship". Yuck. Anyways, that was like, in the beginning of the year around my birthday. I was something different for me bc I hadn't been in a relationship and that was like my first time giving a guy my number. 

Bc most of the time, I don't have time for that shit. But I gave ole boy a chance. BIGGEST FUCKING MISTAKE I HAVE EVER MADE.

I'm not like most girls who completely lose their minds when they get a boyfriend or finally get some male attention. The attention is flattering but trust, it's not always good or has good intentions. I knew some things were wrong, but I ignored it and stuck it out. 

Why? Bc I told him I had his back and I  meant it. I'm a woman of my word. If I'm for you, Imma ride you til the wheels fall off. He promised the same. BUT OBVIOUSLY THE LIL BITCH LIED.

Fyi, if a guy is begging you for nudes or is trying to pressure you into sex, he ain't shit. Unless that's what you're comfortable with. If not, he's not the right guy for you. I didn't realize how "ain't shit" he was until I vented to my bff about all the shit he did to me when we was together and she would be like

"That never happened to me." 

I would fstow. Like, this nigga real life played me. But yes, he did beg me for nudes. BEGGED BITCH. I didn't send nor take any. Thank God. I don't send nudes bc if I want you to see my shit, you'll see it in person. I don't anyone tryna expose me or blackmail me. Or me being in fear of him doing whatever to my photos. I never asked for his either. I don't wanna see that crusty ass dick. 

And yes, he did make me feel bad for being a virgin. The first con of dating a guy that's sexually active. I remember vividly when he asked me if I was a virgin and I said yeah and he was like

"Oh :/ "

BITCH WTF YOU MEAH OH :/ I was like wtf is that supposed to mean. He was like nothing I was just asking. Nah, there was some attitude and disappointment behind that. Don't play with me. I ain't stupid nigga. 

He was tryna make it seem like bc I was a virgin, I didn't know jack shit about sex. -.- bitch, I know my shit. I do my research and I could predict his sex was wack. Niggas in high school don't even eat pussy or do anything spontaneous. All they do is missionary and suck dick. That's wack asf. 

Our relationship was somewhat long distance. So I mean, bitch, how was we supposed to fuck? You don't have a car. I don't one either. When we had time alone, we were babysitting. So wtf did you expect me to do? 


Being friends with a nigga after y'all break up is awkward asf. At one point, our convos were better than when we were together. Then after we argued constantly. Fuck him. At one point after all the arguing we were cool. UNTIL..

He flirted with my sister! Yep he did! I know I'm skipping parts and you might be confused, but he did. He was basically stating that she had a fat ass (she does tho) and that he been secretly watching her. Then had the nerve to say some slick shit like 

"We ain't together but I'll be your sugar daddy."

That's a grown ass woman...wydwydwyd. That's what pisses me off. IDGAF about us used to be together. Fuck him and that weak ass relationship. That is a grown ass woman. You are a immature ass teenager. If you don't get your dumb ass on somewhere.

He is the epitome of a horny ass teenage fuckboy. I told him he was a fuckboy after we broke up. He acted like he wasn't fazed. He probably wasn't deep down inside, but that's how all fuckboys are. Hella in denial. 

So long story short, I no longer have his number and his ass is blocked on kik. I never even blocked anyone on kik. I never had to, even when bitches was getting on my nerve. It would just be on some "don't talk to me" type shit. But for you to do me so wrong AND then flirt with my sister, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. 

This was long asf. Part two will be about fuckboys and what they do. It'll be more general compared to this one which is hella direct. I'm not even gonna say. He even had a typical black boy name. Like literally. That shoulda been a sign. I was ignoring most of the shit he did but  at least I had more sense than let him play me COMPLETELY. You mad bc you didn't have this pussy? BITCH BYE. FUCK YOU. HE COULD DIE TOMORROW AND I WOULDN'T CARE. I SAID IT. 

Now I'm single asf and so so so so so so HAPPY :) 

Part two is next. Tell me about your personal encounter with a fuckboy. I wanna hear. 

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