Can He Say the "N" Word?

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Ok so here goes nothing. So I recently moved to Louisiana and have had to deal with some racist shit, but usually I can just shake it off. Like last month I my friend introduced me to this guy name Austin. At first i thought he was a total creep, but then we became friends. One day he asked my friend out and I realized I had a crush on him (btw he's white so you know where this is going). And so for a few weeks, i guess you could say I was flirting with him (side note I don't know how flirting works so...). So after like 3 weeks of friendship, Austin sits next to me at lunch. We were cracking jokes and stuff until he mumbled something to me. I didn't hear what he said so i just laughed it off. Then he said it was nigga. After that i ignored him, but was distraught on how to tell him I'm not the one. So I finally wrote a note telling him to leave me alone, and he does. I kinda want to ask him why he said it and be friends with him, but my inner Beyonce is telling me to get over it. What do I do? P.S I know this is long but he said that he didn't say nigga he said pigga but he does say nigga because there are some crazy black people in his neighborhood

...What in the blue fuck? Pigga? Really bitch? Like c'mon now. I wasn't born yesterday. Clearly you said nigga but was tryna cover it up bc you didn't want an ass whooping. Have several seats. 

I applaud you for not allowing him to use the word. A lot of ppl feel like bc they're your friends that it's okay to say. It's not. Well, at least not to me. Thank you for not letting it slide. You the real MVP. 

If you still want to be friends with him, than do so. Do you think that the friendship is worth keeping? Is he a good person in general? Is the friendship beneficial? If you don't think so, then yeah call the friendship off. 

If you do decide to remain friends with him, then make sure you enforce that you don't appreciate him saying the n word. If he respects that and doesn't do it, then y'all could be friends. If he can't get with it, then you need to 


Give y'all POV. What do y'all think she should do? Would you be friends with someone (who was white) that said the n word? How was the advice I gave her? Lemme know. 


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